
Two female students talking and making notes

What is the AQSO responsible for?

In order to meet the expectations of the QAA, adhere to the Office for Students (OfS) Regulatory Framework as well as other national frameworks and benchmarks and statutory obligations, the Academic Quality and Standards Office (AQSO) is responsible for:

  • developing and implementing quality processes and procedures
  • supporting Schools/Colleges and the University as a whole in all aspects of quality assurance activity


A group in discussion in an office environment, with Macs on the table beside them

Which areas does the AQSO oversee?

The AQSO oversees the following areas:

  • Course approval and re-approval
  • Course amendments
  • Course suspension and closure
  • End point assessment
  • External accreditation
  • External examiners
  • Monitoring and evaluation
A woman wearing a white blouse is giving a presentation to a group of people

What groups & committees does the AQSO support?

The AQSO also supports the following groups and committees:

  • Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC)
  • School/College Quality Committees
  • Apprenticeships Continuous Quality Improvement Group (ACQIG)
  • OfS Quality Compliance Group
  • LCMe Compliance Committee
  • Ruskin College Quality and Operations Group
  • Ofsted Readiness Group
  • Assessment Working Group
  • Quality Leads Network Meeting

For more information on these groups and committees, please contact quality@uwl.ac.uk

Contact us

Contact us on green background

Please contact quality@uwl.ac.uk or AQSO staff directly, as below, for any quality related queries:

  • Stephen Scott - Director of Academic Quality and Standards and Head of Global Partnerships Office
  • Gabriella Alesi - Academic Quality and Standards Manager
  • Vacant - Apprenticeships and FE Quality Manager
  • Julie Davies - Senior Quality Officer (Approval, Accreditation and Amendment)
  • quality@uwl.ac.uk - Senior Quality Officer (Monitoring and External Examining)
  • Billy Cheung - Academic Quality and Standards Officer
  • Sunjay Pal - Apprenticeships Officer
  • Oliver Barton – Quality Officer (Apprenticeships and LCME)
  • Kate Townsend - Academic Quality and Standards Officer
  • Jessica Boyce - Academic Quality and Standards Administrator
  • Tomos Williams - Academic Quality and Standards Administrator
  • Kenan Khazendar - End Point Assessment (EPA) Apprenticeships Administrator
  • Sara Adediran - End Point Assessment (EPA) Administrator

Please direct all queries to the team by email.

If you are unable to access any of the documents on this page or any of the sub-pages, or you would like to access a document in an alternative format, please contact quality@uwl.ac.uk.