Equality and diversity structure

The Board of Governors has overall responsibility for the effective implementation and compliance with the Equality Act (2010). The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group (EDIAG) is responsible for:

  • Advising on the compliance with the Equality Act 2010
  • Promoting the delivery of equality objectives across the University
  • Updating the Academic Board and the Board of Governors on equality issues and compliance

EDIAG is chaired by the University Secretary and has representation from across the University and the Students’ Union.

Equality and diversity

Find out how we are committed to fostering a culture that promotes a fair and inclusive environment for everyone.

students relaxing

Equality statement

  • UWL's equality, diversity and inclusion statement 

    The University of West London is committed to providing and supporting an inclusive environment that promotes equality, diversity and inclusion.  We are proud of our diverse community where all can reach their full potential and flourish, whatever their background.

    We are committed to providing an environment where all students, staff, governors, visitors, contractors and stakeholders are welcomed and treated with respect regardless of their disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation or social background.

    The University takes discrimination and harassment seriously and is committed to tackling this where it occurs. No one should experience less favourable treatment, discrimination or harassment because of their age, disability, gender identity or reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, being pregnant or recently becoming a parent, race, religion or beliefs, sex or sexual orientation.

    We believe that socio-economic background also plays an important role in access to education and employment and we are committed to ensuring that social class does not affect student outcomes or a member of staff's employment where possible.

    The University recognises that members of staff and students may have a range of aspirations and goals and wishes to provide a positive working and learning environment for all. It also recognises that students and staff members have different needs and that these may be shaped by their family and/or any caring responsibilities. All staff and students should have equal access to the full range of institutional facilities, and adjustments to working and learning practices are considered wherever appropriate, in order to support a more diverse University community.

  • Scope of the policy

    The policy applies to all staff, governors, students and visitors to the University.

    The Policy should be read in conjunction with the dignity at work policy, student code of conduct, dealing with unacceptable behaviour guidance, gender identity policy and staff and student disciplinary procedures.

  • The University’s responsibilities

    The University is subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty and Specific Duty under the Equality Act 2010. The Public Sector Equality Duty requires the University to have due regard to the need to:

    • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act
    • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
    • foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it

    These responsibilities apply to the “Protected Characteristics” outlined above.

    Equality, diversity and inclusion are integral to policy formulation, implementation and planning decisions. In order to fulfil our public sector duties under current legislation, impact assessments and monitoring will be undertaken where appropriate.

    The University also has a duty to ensure that course design and the curriculum are also inclusive and that there is access to appropriate education for all sectors of the community.


The University of West London (UWL) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children and vulnerable adults and expects all governors, students, staff, contractors, stakeholders and volunteers to share this commitment.

The University’s duty of care includes the responsibility to act if there is a cause for concern about the safety of children and vulnerable adults and to notify the appropriate agencies so that they can investigate and take any action required.

Two students buying lunch together at the UWL campus in Ealing.

To ensure an appropriate policy framework for the University’s safeguarding activity please see the following policies:

Safeguarding staff and student recruitment, placements and volunteering

Student having library support with staff

Safeguarding staff recruitment

In order to ensure that unsuitable and/or barred people are prevented from working with children the University follows safe recruitment practices.  

These involve undertaking Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checks where appropriate. These checks include checks on student ambassadors who are involved in outreach work.

A group of 4 students talking and drinking coffee

Student recruitment, placements and volunteering

All students who are on courses leading to professional registration in nursing, midwifery, operating department practice and paramedic science are required to provide a DBS check as part of their application.

Students who undertake placements with children or in healthcare settings are also required to undertake a DBS check.

The University operates a successful student volunteering programme and ensures it undertakes a duty of care to children and vulnerable adults by ensuring students undertake appropriate checks.

The University also ensures that any student who declares a relevant unspent criminal conviction is not a risk to other students or staff.

Safeguarding contacts

In the event of a safeguarding issue involving a child under 18 or a vulnerable adult, staff or students should use the contacts listed in our safeguarding vulnerable adults and children policy.