Policy Information

Last reviewed: June 2024



  • The Committee structure will ensure that the Academic Board discharges its responsibilities under the Articles of Government and in line with its registration with the Office for Students in the most effective manner, and will ensure proper co-ordination and integration with the other decision-making forums within the University.
  • In accordance with the Articles of Government, the Vice-Chancellor will be the Chair of the Academic Board and the Deputy Vice Chancellor will act as Deputy Chair.
  • The membership of the Academic Board and its Committees will reflect its responsibilities and therefore, as far as possible, membership will be drawn from those responsible for delivering teaching, facilitating learning and pursuing research.
  • Elections for representatives on the Academic Board and its Committees will (when required) take place in September. Representatives will serve for a period of three years and may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms (i.e. three terms of three years = nine years).
  • Members of the Academic Board should attend all meetings. If not possible, then apologies should be submitted to the University Secretary well in advance of the meeting. Where circumstances make it impossible for an ex-officio member to attend Academic Board or any of its committees, alternates will be permitted with the express permission of the Chair. Alternates for elected members are not permissible. Elected members who fail to attend two consecutive meetings will be regarded as having relinquished their membership of the Academic Board. The Vice-Chancellor will review attendance on a regular basis.
  • Non-members of the Academic Board and any of its committees may be requested to attend for specific items.
  • The Academic Board may establish such committees as it considers necessary for purposes enabling it to carry out its responsibilities provided that each establishment is first approved by the Vice-Chancellor and the Board of Governors and no delegated powers are, thereby, further delegated. The number of members of any such committee and the terms on which they are to hold and vacate office shall be determined by the Academic Board.
  • Committees may set up the following subordinate bodies:
    • Advisory Groups for ongoing work and advice
    • Task Groups for specific time-limited projects.
  • Each Committee and subordinate body will be required to report on its activities to its parent body.

Purpose and remit

In accordance with the Articles of Government, the Academic Board is responsible for and will receive reports on:

  • Academic quality and standards
  • Research and scholarship
  • Teaching and learning
  • Course design and curriculum content and resources to support them
  • Validation and review of programmes
  • Policy and procedure on assessments, examinations and awards including appointment / removal of external examiners
  • Criteria for admissions
  • Student experience
  • Access, participation and achievement
  • Honorary academic titles
  • Regulations including procedures for the withdrawal of students for academic reasons
  • Providing the Vice Chancellor and the Board of Governors of the Academic Board’s activities to maintain quality and standards
  • Advising on such other matters as the Board of Governors or the Vice- Chancellor may refer to the Academic Board.

Membership (maximum of 30 members) - Current incumbents

Ex-officio members (no fewer than 16)

  • Vice Chancellor and President (Chair) - Professor Peter John CBE
  • Provost and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Professor Anthony Woodman
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) - Sara Raybould
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business Development) - Dr Suresh Gamlath
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (People and Digital) - Adrian Ellison
  • University Secretary and Registrar - Joshua Heming
  • University Solicitor and Head of Legal Services - Trinh Huyhn
  • Director of Research and Development - Professor Aude Bicquelet-Lock
  • Director of Academic Quality and Standards and Head of Global Partnerships Office
  • Head of the London College of Music - Professor Nicholas McKay
  • Head of the London School of Film, Media and Design - Paul Lohneis
  • Dean of the College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare - Fiona Edwards
  • Dean of the Claude Littner Business School - Dr Amelia Au-Yeung
  • Head of the School of Computing and Engineering - Professor Phil Cox
  • Head of the School of Human and Social Sciences - Dr Jennifer Mayer
  • Head of the School of Law - Philip Ells
  • Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the London Geller College of Hospitality and Tourism - James Edmunds
  • Head of the Graduate School - Professor Caroline Lafarge
  • Dean of the School of Medicine and Biosciences - Professor Richard Morgan
  • Dean of Academic Partnerships (UK) and Director of Research and Enterprise Operations - Matt Snowden
  • Head of the Institute for Policing Studies - Andrew Rose

Elected teaching staff (up to 11) To include one from each School (Date elected)

  • The London College of Music - Dr Liz Pipe (2nd term 2021)
  • The London School of Film, Media and Design - Dorota Watson (2nd term 2022)
  • The College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare - Dr Sue Quayle (September 2022)
  • The Claude Littner Business School - Tejinder Singh (2nd term 2021)
  • The School of Computing and Engineering - Professor Phil Cox
  • The School of Human and Social Sciences - Dr Jen Mayer
  • The School of Law - Dr Joe Stevens (February 2024)
  • The London Geller College of Hospitality and Tourism - Louise Gill (2nd term 2021)
  • The School of Medicine and Biosciences - Professor Richard Morgan

Elected non-teaching staff member (1) Nominated by University-wide election

  • Vacancy

Student members (2) Nominated by SU election

  • SU President - Maisie Kelly
  • SU Vice-President Education - Ayyan Bebal

In attendance at all meetings

  • Head of Marketing and Communications - Andrea Moran
  • Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor Student Affairs - Tracy McAuliffe
  • Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development - Kevin West
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Strategy, Performance and Analytics) - Dr Konstantinos Tzortzis
  • Students’ Union: Chief Executive/Head of Membership - Tye McMahon/Jamal El-Kalawy


50% plus one of appointed (i.e. ex-officio and elected) members excluding vacancies. Where division of the total number of appointed members by two – plus one - results in a fraction, quorum is to be met by rounding-up the fraction to the nearest whole number.

Where a committee member fulfils more than one role within a particular committee, they are only counted once for the purposes of quorum.

Where a meeting is not quorate, it can proceed, and the agenda items can be discussed and recommendations can be made on these, which are then to be put to the whole committee, either in writing afterwards or at a following meeting.  Any decisions/approvals would have to be ratified at the next quorate meeting or approved by Chair’s action if it is urgent. 

Supporting information

Reporting lines

Minutes of the Academic Board are submitted to the Board of Governors.

The following are committees of and report to the Academic Board:

  • Academic Partnerships Committee
  • Academic Quality & Standards Committee
  • Apprenticeships & FE Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Equality & Diversity Advisory Group
  • Honorary Awards Committee
  • School Boards
  • University Research, Scholarship & Enterprise Committee

Effectiveness and lifespan

Lifespan ongoing. Effectiveness reviewed five-yearly.

Actions that may be taken by the Academic Board

The Academic Board may

  • Note
  • Receive
  • Consider
  • Support
  • Approve
  • Recommend
  • Reject

Most appropriate minuting style

Formal minutes


  • Secretary - University Secretary
  • Clerk - Committee Secretary
  • Meetings - At least four per year