Policy information

  • Last reviewed: June 2024
  • Responsibility of: Academic Board

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group terms of reference


The purpose of the University’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group (EDIAG) is to monitor, promote and champion diversity for students, staff and stakeholders of the University. Its main aims are to:

  • Oversee the compliance with all equality legislation
  • Ensure that the University meets the Equality Duty and promotes equality of opportunity
  • Advising the Academic Board, and the Board of Governors on equality issues and compliance

Purpose and remit

Terms of reference for EDIAG

  • a. Recommending objectives for the University in line with the Equality Duty and formulating and reviewing the University’s policies and procedures relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, including making appropriate recommendations to the Academic Board and the Board of Governors;
  • b. Overseeing the formulation, implementation and review of institutional action plans to ensure that Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies and objectives are effective particularly through the use of relevant data.
  • c. Advising the relevant University decision-making bodies and officers on the following:
    • i) strategic policy developments relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, their integration into the University’s overall strategic plans and their implementation;
    • ii) the equality and diversity implications of new policies and strategies;
    • iii) the desirability and priority of actions relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion which have resource implications.
  • d. Encouraging and assisting departments in the effective integration and implementation of the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies and procedures.
  • e. Establishing project groups as required in investigating, reporting on and implementing work on specific dimensions of Equality and Diversity duty.
  • f. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of the University's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy and procedures
  • g. Ensuring the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies and procedures are effectively disseminated and promoted.
  • h. Maintaining appropriate consultation and communication routes with all relevant groups in the University and with external bodies.


Ex-officio members - Current incumbent

  • University Secretary and Registrar  (Chair) - Joshua Heming
  • Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development - Kevin West
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) - Sara Raybould
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Strategy, Performance and Analytics) / Head of Strategic Planning - Dr Konstantinos Tzortzis / Ross Purdy
  • Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs) - Tracy McAuliffe
  • Director of Library Services - Davina Omar
  • Head of Legal Services - Trinh Huynh
  • Learning and Organisational Development Manager - Tunji Tiamiyu
  • Policy Manager, Planning - Eirini Tatsi
  • Deputy Head of Academic Administration - Ricky Sehgal
  • Student Services Operations / Nominee - Chackervarti Afghan

UWL Staff Networks leads/representatives

  • Black Women’s Network - Bintu Tijani (Co-Lead)
  • LGBTQIA+ Network - Samuel Ratzer Willis
  • Neurodivergent Network - Samuel Ratzer Willis
  • Sustainability Network - Tom Levitt
  • THRIVE Network - Janine Braithwaite
  • Women's Network - Dr Sara McGuinness

Students' Union (SU) representatives

  • SU President - Maisie Kelly
  • SU Vice President (Education) - Ayyan Bebal
  • SU Head of Membership - Jamal El-Kalawy

Elected School members

  • London Geller College Hospitality and Tourism - Nathan Vasanthan
  • College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare - Dr Anosha Sirpath
  • Claude Littner Business School - Samantha Atanda
  • London College of Music - Dr Sara McGuinness
  • London School of Film, Media and Design - Dorota Watson
  • School of Human and Social Sciences (nominee) - Dr Nicola O’Keefe
  • School of Law - Karen Shury
  • School of Computing and Engineering - Vacant
  • School of Medicine and Biosciences - Dr Bernadine Idowu
  • Head of the Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) - Kate Helman
  • Institute for Policing Studies - Andrew Rose
  • Drama Studio London - Emma Hands

Union representatives

  • UNISON representative - Althea Hartley-Forbes
  • UCU representative - Dr Jackie Spicer


50% plus one of appointed (i.e. ex-officio and elected) members excluding vacancies. Where division of the total number of appointed members by two – plus one - results a fraction, quorum is to be met by rounding-up the fraction to the nearest whole number.

Where a committee member fulfils more than one role within a particular committee, they are only counted once for the purposes of quorum.

Where a meeting is not quorate, it can proceed, and the agenda items can be discussed and recommendations can be made on these, which are then to be put to the whole committee, either in writing afterwards or at a following meeting.  Any decisions/approvals would have to be ratified at the next quorate meeting or approved by Chair’s action if it is urgent. 

Supporting information

Reporting lines

Minutes of the Equality Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group are considered by the Academic Board and the Workforce Advisory Committee.

Effectiveness and lifespan


Actions that may be taken by the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group:

The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group 

  • Note
  • Approve
  • Receive
  • Recommend
  • Consider
  • Reject
  • Support

Most appropriate minuting style

Formal minutes.


  • Secretary – University Secretary
  • Clerk – Committee Secretary
  • Meetings – Four per year