Policy information

Last reviewed: January 2024

Terms of reference, composition and membership


The role of the Student Liaison Committee is to:

  • Provide a means of formal communication on the Student Experience between the Board of Governors and the SU;
  • To ensure compliance with the Board of Governor’s obligations; and
  • To monitor the performance of the SU.

Terms of reference

1. Student experience

1.1 To consider reports on student satisfaction including the outcomes of the NSS and the implications for the Student Experience;

1.2 To review the services provided by the University to Students;

1.3 To give consideration to student welfare and wellbeing issues;

1.4 To approve procedures for student complaints and regulations for academic appeals and undertake an annual review of complaints and appeals including information from the OIAHE;

1.5 To consider research in the student experience and the implications for UWL and UWLSU;

1.6 All such other appropriate matters than improve the student experience through partnership working between the two organisation.

2. Compliance

2.1 To advise the University’s governing body on its statutory obligations with regard to the Students’ Union (SU), particularly the requirements of the Education Act 1994, and specifically:

  • a) all matters concerning the SU’s Constitution which the SLC should review every five years;
  • b) all matters concerning the UWL/SU Code of Practice which the SLC should review every five years;
  • c) receive the report of the Returning Officer following each set of elections.

2.2 To advise the Board on other regulatory requirements that involve students and may require discussion and scrutiny with the Students’ Union such as , Prevent and Freedom of Speech

2.3 To advise the Board on issues in relation to its OfS registration including the development of the Student Protection Plan and Electoral Registration.

3. Performance

3.1 To consider the strategic plan and the annual plan of work from the Students’ Union;

3.2 To consider areas of partnership between the university and students’ unions in all stages of the student life cycle;

3.3 To work to improve student representation by UWLSU at all levels of student life;

3.4 To increase opportunities for students to develop skills and employability while at UWLSU;

3.5 To receive and consider regular reports on the services of the SU to their community.

Composition and membership
  • At least two Independent Governors, one of whom will be chair of the Committee
    • Andrea Miller (Chair)
    • Kerry O’Callaghan
    • Stuart Wright
    • Andrea Miller
  • The SU President
    • Maisie Kelly
  • The SU Vice-President (Education)
    • Ayyan Bebal
  • The SU Vice-President (Activities)
    • Yash Arora
  • Academic Board Representative
    • James Edmunds
  • Vice-Chancellor and President or nominee
    • Professor Peter John
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience)
    • Ms Sara Raybould


Quorum is four members and must include the Chair and one SU member. If the Vice-Chancellor is represented by a nominee, the nominee will count in the quorum.


The SLC will usually meet three times each academic year.


The University Secretary; the SU Chief Executive, the SU Head of Operations, the SU Head of Membership; the SU Head of Finance; the Executive Director of Finance or nominee; and the Director of Property or nominee shall usually be in attendance.