Policy information

  • Responsibility of: Patrick Fuller, Group Chief Financial Officer
  • Approved by: Finance Committee
  • Date approved: 24 April 2023
  • Last reviewed: April 2024
  • Next review date: April 2025


1. Introduction

1.1 The University of West London has adopted this Investment Policy which governs the investment of surplus cash so that it contributes to financing its core activities. The objective is to maximise investment income, while at the same time exercising prudence in managing investment risks.

2. Investment approach

2.1 The University of West London is committed to investing its surplus cash funds on a responsible basis. This Investment Policy guides the University to optimise its investment returns (whilst recognising its ethical and social responsibilities) and to manage investment risks prudently.

2.2 The University's Investment Policy is guided by ethical values and the need to manage Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks in achieving this objective. The University will not knowingly invest in organisations who primarily demonstrate:

  • Institutional violations of human rights, including the exploitation of the work force and use of child labour
  • Discriminatory practices
  • Explicit environmental damage
  • Bribery and corruption

2.3 The University is committed to using best efforts to screen out specific sectors from investments including:

  • Fossil fuels companies
  • Arms and other companies that are complicit in the violation of international law

2.4 The University is committed to directly reinvest in community renewable energy and renewable energy projects on campus.

2.5 The University commits to using best efforts to publicly list all investments annually.

2.6 The University will only invest in institutions which have an appropriate Standard and Poor's (S&P) rating.

3. Investment management

3.1 The Board of Governors (through the Finance Committee) approves the investment policy which prescribes investment periods, investment limits per counterparty and credit rating thresholds. The committee members can be found on our Governance page.

3.2 The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for compliance with the investment policy by monitoring the credit ratings of counterparties, advising the Finance Committee and the Audit and Risk Committees of investment opportunities and perceived investment risks and advising any requirements to revise credit rating limits.

3.3 This Investment Policy is posted on the University’s website to facilitate access to students, staff, and the general public for greater transparency.

3.4 The University seeks assurance from its banking partners and investment fund managers that they satisfy its ethical requirements. Banks and building societies will be researched into to ensure their compatibility with the University’s Ethical and Sustainability Policies.

3.5 The University’s ethical investment polices apply to all investments managed by the institution itself and form part of the guidance provided to external fund managers investing on its behalf. 

4. Investment criteria

4.1 After considering ESG risks, the following investment criteria for surplus cash and money market investments are agreed as part of the Investment Policy. The University will only invest in the following institutions:

  • UK institutions with a rating of “A” or better (S&P or equivalent) for up to 12 months

  • All non-UK institutions to have a sovereign debt rating of AAA

4.2 The credit limits for investment will be:

  • £60m for any of the institutions which meet the criteria outlined in 4.1 above
  • UK Treasury Bills with no limit

5. Choice of investment provider

5.1 The Finance Committee should choose Investment Providers after assessing their financial viability / credit ratings and ethical investment policies. This decision would be scrutinised by the Audit and Risk Committee.

6. Mitigation

6.1 In the event the University’s investments face significant risks, immediate mitigation action, by transfer of assets, should be taken by the Chief Financial Officer following Chair’s action by the Chair of both the Finance and the Audit and Risk Committees to approve the emergency measures.

Appendix 1: Financial Committee meeting minutes

  • Minutes – 22 April 2024


    Minutesof the Meeting held on Monday, 22 April 2024 at 3pm in the Directorate Boardroom.


    • Ms Shirley Cameron (Independent Governor)
    • Ms Aprileen Alexander (Independent Governor) (via Teams)
    • Mr Neil Ashton (Co-opted member)
    • Ms Helena Peacock (Independent Governor)

    In attendance: 

    • Mr Mohamad Bahsoun (Deputy Group Chief Financial Officer)
    • Mr Patrick Fuller (Group Chief Financial Officer and Director of Resources)
    • Mr Joshua Heming (University Secretary)
    • Professor Peter John CBE (Vice-Chancellor)
    • Ms Coral Mason (Assistant Clerk to the Board)
    • Dr Kostas Tzortzis (PVC, Strategy, Performance and Analytics) (for agenda item 12)
    • Ms Claire Willitts (Executive Director of Property and Environment) (via Teams)
    • Professor Anthony Woodman (Provost and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (for agenda item 13)


    • Mr Kiran Virdee (Independent Governor)

    Extract of Finance Committee Minutes held on 22 April 2024

    9.Investment and Banking Policy review (FC 2223 33)

    9.1 The Deputy Group Chief Financial Officer informed members that no changes had been made to the policy except the change in interest rates.

    9.2 The committee NOTED the University’s £69.8m investment in fixed term deposits with £46.8m with Barclays and £23m with Lloyds.

    9.3 The Finance Committee NOTED and APPROVED the unchanged Investment Policy.