Welcome video

Welcome to your library guide for School of Computing and Engineering. My name is Edyta Krol and I am your Subject Librarian. I am here to support you throughout your course and teach you the skills you need to effectively find relevant information for your studies. You can contact me via any of the below methods:

What the library can offer you

Student in the library reaching for a book

Based at our Ealing site, the Paul Hamlyn Library is open 24/7 during term time to enable you to study around your personal and work schedules. It has light open spaces spread across three floors, with different types of study zones and furniture to suit your needs.

The library has a wide range of materials to support you and to help you develop the academic and research skills you need to excel at university. 

All students at UWL automatically belong to our library. Login to the digital resources with your student details (student IT number - your username - and personal password). If you are having trouble with your password, you can contact the IT department by visiting our IT Support page or visit our setting your password page so you can register to reset your password yourself.

Where do I begin? Reading lists, ebooks and LibSearch

Student reading in library

Reading lists 

Begin with your module’s reading list. Each module has a reading list which gives access to the books, articles and other items the teaching team would like you to read in order to engage properly with the learning material. 

Reading lists can be found in each module’s Blackboard space but you can also search for your reading lists online, either by module name or module code. 

Library staff pushing book trolley


We have a wide range of material to support you both within the Paul Hamlyn Library and via the Digital Library.

  • Why use books?  

    • Books provide good background information and offer an excellent starting point for more in-depth research  

    • Books are prime sources to use to understand key concepts and terminology 

    • Books usually contain bibliographies that are a useful source of further references 

  • Looking for a book?

    1. A specific book or books on a subject: If you are looking for a book on a particular subject, or you know the author or title, try searching LibSearch. After you have typed in your keyword(s) in a search box, use the "Catalogue only” filter to only see books/ebooks.

    1. Book on a reading list: If the book is on a module reading list, you can find it straight from your reading list on UWL Reading Lists.

    1. Can’t find the book you’re looking for? Try requesting an Inter-Library Loan, suggesting the book to your Subject Librarian or visiting another library.

  • Ebooks

    The best way to find ebooks is by using LibSearch, our academic search engine.  

    If you are looking for a particular book, adding the author's surname is a good way to narrow your search quickly.

  • LibSearch

    When you are looking for information on a certain subject or you are not sure where to start, LibSearch (the library's academic search engine) can help you. It can check the library catalogue, databases and even external resources, all with a single search. It will help you explore your assignment topic in greater depth and explore a wider range of resources quickly and easily.

    • We have short video tutorials that can help you to use Libsearch effectively available on the Libsearch page
"Find a book on the shelf" orange slide with an animated white character holding a light bulb.

Paul Hamlyn Library

The majority of the material for Computing can be found on the 1st floor of the Library under shelfmarks 004 and 006, for EEE and Sound Engineering on the 2nd floor under shelfmarks 620 - 621. Books for Mathematics and Statistics can be found on the 1st floor under the shelfmarks 510-519. For Built Environment courses books can be found on the 3rd floor of the Library under shelfmarks 690 and 720, Civil Engineering on the 2nd floor under shelfmark 624.  It is worth also checking Construction Information Service which contains c. 500 ebooks related to built environment and civil engineering subjects.   

The books can be borrowed for one week but will automatically renew each week for the length of your course unless someone else requests them.

Key databases and specialist resources

In addition to using LibSearch, there are specialist sources you can use to find additional information specific to your subject. Below are the ones I would recommend to you for your studies (please note, you will need to log in with your student username and password for some of the links below):

  • Architectural Design Technology

    Architects' Journal

    Up to date magazine with the latest news from across the UK architecture industry.

    • Separate username and password required. You can find this in Digital Library specialist usernames and passwords document (log in to Blackboard first to access this page). You can also access Architect’s Journal through Construction Information Service.

    CDM Regulations 2015

    CDM are the main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare of construction projects.

    Construction Information Service

    Technical information for architects, civil and structural engineers and other professionals in the construction industry. Contains full text documents from over 200 publishers including standards, building regulations approved documents, technical guidance and industry reports. Coverage includes construction management, health and safety, sustainability, design and Eurocodes. Also, access to around 500 ebooks.

    Construction technology films

    These films concentrate on domestic building construction, building conservation and the history of building construction. There are currently 32 films in the series. The films explain the principles of modern construction and, where appropriate, trace its evolution over the last 100 years or so. There is extensive site footage showing construction of various elements and lots of simple graphics to explain details, sequences, etc.

    Construction website

    The Construction website contains lots of information on building construction, past and present. Information has been gleaned from a variety of sources including hundreds of pages of text on all aspects of domestic building construction, over two thousand photos showing new and old construction practice, hundreds of 2D and 3D graphics, lots of short video clips and a brief and fairly non-technical summary of the most important building regulations (housing only).

    Digimap Ordnance Survey

    The DigiMap Ordnance Survey provides access to online maps and spatial data of Great Britain including current Ordnance Survey maps. It allows you to view, create and annotate maps of any location in Great Britain. Digimap also provides raw data download facilities for use in CAD, GIS or other systems to create visual representations of your research or illustrate plans.

    When you use DigiMap for the first time, you need to register. Once you have submitted your registration, you will receive an email enabling you to activate your account. When you first search for a map as well, it will ask you to accept the license agreement.


    This online tool provides you with instant access to RICS professional guidance on all key surveying issues.

    • Gain background information and detailed knowledge to allow you to effectively undertake surveys on all types of buildings
    • Advise clients on neighbourly matters by providing you with access to specific information to help resolve issues
    • Download relevant templates, forms and documents to benchmark your work and save you valuable time
    • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements by detailing all relevant legislation and what you need to do to ensure compliance
    • Diagnose building defects and identify materials — isurv provides clear information on building defects, how to spot them, signs and remedies
    • Provide consultation on repair and maintenance — isurv's extensive library of information will provide you with the knowledge to offer accurate and comprehensive information to your client

    Separate username and password required for off campus access. You can find this in Digital Library specialist usernames and passwords document (log in to Blackboard first to access this page).

    JSTOR Sustainability

    Access to a wide range of journals, ebooks and more than 5,400 Open Access research reports in the field of sustainability.

    Planning Portal

    The UK Government's online planning and building regulations resource.

    RIBA Plan of Work 2020

    The RIBA Plan of Work is the definitive UK model for the building design and construction process of buildings. It organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing and operating building projects into eight stages and explains the stage outcomes, core tasks and information exchanges required at each stage.


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals covering a range of subjects including architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

  • Building Surveying

    CDM regulations 2015

    CDM are the main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare of construction projects.

    Construction Information Service

    Technical information for architects, civil and structural engineers and other professionals in the construction industry. Contains full text documents from over 200 publishers including standards, building regulations approved documents, technical guidance and industry reports. Coverage includes construction management, health and safety, sustainability, design and Eurocodes. Also, access to around 500 ebooks.

    Construction technology films

    These films concentrate on domestic building construction, building conservation and the history of building construction. There are currently 32 films in the series. The films explain the principles of modern construction and, where appropriate, trace its evolution over the last 100 years or so. There is extensive site footage showing construction of various elements and lots of simple graphics to explain details, sequences, etc.

    Construction website

    The Construction Website contains lots of information on building construction, past and present. Information has been gleaned from a variety of sources including hundreds of pages of text on all aspects of domestic building construction, over two thousand photos showing new and old construction practice, hundreds of 2D and 3D graphics, lots of short video clips and a brief and fairly non-technical summary of the most important building regulations (housing only).

    Digimap Ordnance Survey

    The DigiMap Ordnance Survey provides access to online maps and spatial data of Great Britain including current Ordnance Survey maps. It allows to view, create, and annotate maps of any location in Great Britain. Digimap also provides raw data download facilities for use in CAD, GIS or other systems to create visual representations of your research or illustrate plans.

    When you use DigiMap for the first time, you need to register. Once you have submitted your registration, you will receive an email enabling you to activate your account. When you first search for a map as well, it will ask you to accept the license agreement.


    This online tool provides you with instant access to RICS professional guidance on all key surveying issues.

    • Gain background information and detailed knowledge to allow you to effectively undertake surveys on all types of buildings
    • Advise clients on neighbourly matters by providing you with access to specific information to help resolve issues
    • Download relevant templates, forms and documents to benchmark your work and save you valuable time
    • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements by detailing all relevant legislation and what you need to do to ensure compliance
    • Diagnose building defects and identify materials — isurv provides clear information on building defects, how to spot them, signs and remedies
    • Provide consultation on repair and maintenance — isurv's extensive library of information will provide you with the knowledge to offer accurate and comprehensive information to your client

    Separate username and password required for off campus access. You can find this in Digital Library specialist usernames and passwords document (log in to Blackboard first to access this page).

    JSTOR Sustainability

    Access to a wide range of journals, ebooks and more than 5,400 Open Access research reports in the field of sustainability.

    Planning Portal

    The UK Government's online planning and building regulations resource.

    RIBA Plan of Work 2020

    The RIBA Plan of Work is the definitive UK model for the building design and construction process of buildings. It organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing and operating building projects into eight stages and explains the stage outcomes, core tasks and information exchanges required at each stage.


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals covering a range of subjects including architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Construction Information Service

    Technical information for architects, civil and structural engineers and other professionals in the construction industry. Contains full text documents from over 200 publishers including standards, building regulations approved documents, technical guidance and industry reports. Coverage includes construction management, health and safety, sustainability, design and Eurocodes. Also, access to around 500 ebooks.

    Construction technology films

    These films concentrate on domestic building construction, building conservation and the history of building construction. There are currently 32 films in the series. The films explain the principles of modern construction and, where appropriate, trace its evolution over the last 100 years or so. There is extensive site footage showing construction of various elements and lots of simple graphics to explain details, sequences, etc.


    Well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and more.

    ICE Specialist Engineering Journals collection.

    Access to many engineering journals published by ICE and relevant to civil engineering and construction studies.

    JSTOR Sustainability 

    Access to a wide range of journals, ebooks and more than 5,400 Open Access research reports in the field of sustainability.


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals covering a range of subjects including civil engineering, architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

  • Computing

    ACM Digital Library  

    Portal to computing and engineering literature, containing full text and citations from ACM journals, magazines, transactions, conference proceedings and newsletters.

    IEEE Xplore Digital Library  

    Featuring content from IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) as well as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), this contains almost one third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, sound engineering, communications, maths and computer science. It provides over 2.9 million full-text articles from IEEE and IET journals, transactions, conference papers and globally accepted standards. 


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals covering a range of subjects including architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

  • Construction Project Management

    CDM regulations 2015

    CDM are the main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare of construction projects.

    Construction Information Service

    Technical information for architects, civil and structural engineers and other professionals in the construction industry. Contains full text documents from over 200 publishers including standards, building regulations approved documents, technical guidance and industry reports. Coverage includes construction management, health and safety, sustainability, design and Eurocodes. Also, access to around 500 ebooks.

    Construction technology films

    These films concentrate on domestic building construction, building conservation and the history of building construction. There are currently 32 films in the series. The films explain the principles of modern construction and, where appropriate, trace its evolution over the last 100 years or so. There is extensive site footage showing construction of various elements and lots of simple graphics to explain details, sequences, etc.

    Construction website

    The Construction website contains lots of information on building construction, past and present. Information has been gleaned from a variety of sources including hundreds of pages of text on all aspects of domestic building construction, over two thousand photos showing new and old construction practice, hundreds of 2D and 3D graphics, lots of short video clips and a brief and fairly non-technical summary of the most important building regulations (housing only).

    Digimap Ordnance Survey

    The DigiMap Ordnance Survey provides access to online maps and spatial data of Great Britain including current Ordnance Survey maps. It allows to view, create and annotate maps of any location in Great Britain. Digimap also provides raw data download facilities for use in CAD, GIS or other systems to create visual representations of your research or illustrate plans.

    When you use DigiMap for the first time, you need to register. Once you have submitted your registration, you will receive an email enabling you to activate your account. When you first search for a map as well, it will ask you to accept the license agreement.


    This online tool provides you with instant access to RICS professional guidance on all key surveying issues.

    • Gain background information and detailed knowledge to allow you to effectively undertake surveys on all types of buildings
    • Advise clients on neighbourly matters by providing you with access to specific information to help resolve issues
    • Download relevant templates, forms and documents to benchmark your work and save you valuable time
    • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements by detailing all relevant legislation and what you need to do to ensure compliance
    • Diagnose building defects and identify materials — isurv provides clear information on building defects, how to spot them, signs and remedies
    • Provide consultation on repair and maintenance — isurv's extensive library of information will provide you with the knowledge to offer accurate and comprehensive information to your client

    Separate username and password required for off campus access. You can find this in Digital Library specialist usernames and passwords document (log in to Blackboard first to access this page).

    JSTOR Sustainability

    Access to a wide range of journals, ebooks and more than 5,400 Open Access research reports in the field of sustainability.


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals in range of subjects including architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    ACM Digital Library  

    Portal to computing and engineering literature, containing full text and citations from ACM journals, magazines, transactions, conference proceedings and newsletters.

    IEEE Xplore Digital Library  

    Featuring content from IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) as well as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), this contains almost one third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, sound engineering, communications, maths and computer science. It provides over 2.9 million full-text articles from IEEE and IET journals, transactions, conference papers and globally accepted standards. 


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals covering a range of subjects including architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

  • Mathematics and Statistics

    ACM Digital Library  

    Portal to computing and engineering literature, containing full text and citations from ACM journals, magazines, transactions, conference proceedings and newsletters.


    A free distribution service and an open-access archive for over two million scholarly articles in the fields of mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, electrical engineering and economics.

    IEEE Xplore Digital Library  

    Featuring content from IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) as well as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), this contains almost one third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, sound engineering, communications, maths and computer science. It provides over 2.9 million full-text articles from IEEE and IET journals, transactions, conference papers and globally accepted standards.


    The electronic publication of the American Mathematical Society. It offers access to reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for mathematical sciences literature.


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals covering a range of subjects including architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

    Wolfram MathWorld  

    Extensive mathematics resource.


    Formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH, this is the world's most comprehensive and longest running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics.

  • Quantity Surveying

    BCIS Online

    The BCIS (Building Cost Information Service) Online database contains cost analyses for over 16,000 projects across the UK — information you will find indispensable when preparing cost plans, providing early cost advice to clients and benchmarking costs for both commercial and residential buildings.

    It will help you to determine what a building should cost, see a view of the market and bid comparisons to help ensure that sum costs are in the right ball park, and predict the profitability of your project more confidently. It can also provide you with a wider view of the market and gives your quotes/tenders credibility.

    CDM regulations 2015

    CDM are the main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare of construction projects.

    Construction Information Service

    Technical information for architects, civil and structural engineers and other professionals in the construction industry. Contains full text documents from over 200 publishers including standards, building regulations approved documents, technical guidance and industry reports. Coverage includes construction management, health and safety, sustainability, design and Eurocodes. Also, access to around 500 ebooks.

    Construction technology films

    These films concentrate on domestic building construction, building conservation and the history of building construction. There are currently 32 films in the series. The films explain the principles of modern construction and, where appropriate, trace its evolution over the last 100 years or so. There is extensive site footage showing construction of various elements and lots of simple graphics to explain details, sequences, etc.

    Construction website

    The Construction website contains lots of information on building construction, past and present. Information has been gleaned from a variety of sources including hundreds of pages of text on all aspects of domestic building construction, over two thousand photos showing new and old construction practice, hundreds of 2D and 3D graphics, lots of short video clips and a brief and fairly non-technical summary of the most important building regulations (housing only).

    Digimap Ordnance Survey

    The DigiMap Ordnance Survey provides access to online maps and spatial data of Great Britain including current Ordnance Survey maps. It allows to view, create, and annotate maps of any location in Great Britain. Digimap also provides raw data download facilities for use in CAD, GIS or other systems to create visual representations of your research or illustrate plans.

    When you use DigiMap for the first time, you need to register. Once you have submitted your registration, you will receive an email enabling you to activate your account. When you first search for a map as well, it will ask you to accept the license agreement.


    This online tool provides you with instant access to RICS professional guidance on all key surveying issues.

    • Gain background information and detailed knowledge to allow you to effectively undertake surveys on all types of buildings
    • Advise clients on neighbourly matters by providing you with access to specific information to help resolve issues
    • Download relevant templates, forms and documents to benchmark your work and save you valuable time
    • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements by detailing all relevant legislation and what you need to do to ensure compliance
    • Diagnose building defects and identify materials — isurv provides clear information on building defects, how to spot them, signs and remedies
    • Provide consultation on repair and maintenance — isurv's extensive library of information will provide you with the knowledge to offer accurate and comprehensive information to your client

    Separate username and password required for off campus access. You can find this in Digital Library specialist usernames and passwords document (log in to Blackboard first to access this page).

    JSTOR Sustainability

    Access to a wide range of journals, ebooks and more than 5,400 Open Access research reports in the field of sustainability.


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals in range of subjects including architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

  • Sound Engineering

    The Audio Engineering Society  

    The professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. This is an international organisation that unites audio engineers, creative artists, scientists and students worldwide by promoting advances in audio and disseminating new knowledge and research. Use this database to search almost every AES paper published at a convention, conference or in the Journal from 1953 to the present. Not included in LibSearch. 

    IEEE Xplore Digital Library  

    Featuring content from IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) as well as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), this contains almost one third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, sound engineering, communications, maths and computer science. It provides over 2.9 million full text articles from IEEE and IET journals, transactions, conference papers and globally accepted standards.  

    Music Ally  

    Music Ally has been providing publications, consulting, research, events and training to the music and technology industries since 2001. Its clients are across the music and technology sectors and include all of the major labels, music publishers and collecting societies, music platforms like Spotify and Deezer, and tech giants like Google and Microsoft. Music Ally provides information on new music business, enabling companies to understand the landscape through training in various forms of digital marketing. It provides bespoke research and helps companies spot opportunities.

    Radio Imaging Libraries  

    These imaging libraries from Omega Productions contain over 800 beds and FX for use on non-commercial projects only. The libraries include explosions, impacts, drones, whooshes, sparks and loops in addition to work parts, European beds and more sound design elements.  

    • Access: You must be logged into Blackboard for this link to work.


    Access to over 2,500 authoritative, full text scientific and technical e-journals covering a range of subjects including architectural technology, building, construction, built environment and surveying.


    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources and subject coverage for the following: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics and Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Searching for information

A green thumbnail for 'Basic search strategies' video with the UWL logo and title.

Basic search strategies (part 1)

A green thumbnail for 'Basic search stategies' video with the UWL logo and title.

Basic search strategies (part 2)

A green thumbnail for 'Evaluating your search results' video with the UWL logo and title.

Evaluating your search results


A man working at a laptop in a home study

When writing assignments, you need to acknowledge your use of another author's ideas so that you:

  • Give the original author credit  

  • Support your arguments  

  • Enable the reader to find your sources  

  • Prove to your lecturer that you have read around the subject  

  • Avoid accusations of plagiarism

Accurate referencing will help you avoid accusations of plagiarism and possible loss of marks.

Your referencing style for your assignments is Harvard Cite Them Right.

  • For more information see Cite Them Right Online, an online comprehensive referencing guide that helps you cite and reference resources you use in your assignments. It includes examples of how to reference many different types of resources, and also provides numerous tips and frequently asked questions, covering different referencing scenarios. 

RefWorks is web-based reference management software available to students and staff at University of West London. It allows you to manage and share your references, insert in-text citations (or footnotes) to a document and build a references list/bibliography.

Practice exercises

Below are some exercises to help you to get familiar in searching for information using the Library sources:

  • LibSearch

    LibSearch is available from the Library homepage and allows you to search for information on your keywords that has been published in journals, books, reports, etc. It is important to be confident in using the "All filters" section to enable you to narrow down the results to the most useful ones to read.

    Use the below steps to search LibSearch and answer the questions below:

    • Search for "renewable energy systems" AND future
    • Use the filters menu to narrow down to:
      • Date range: Past five years
      • Source: academic journals


    1. Who wrote the article ‘On the History and Future of 100% Renewable Energy Systems Research’?

    2. What year was it written in? 

    3. What journal was it published in? 

  • Ebooks

    Ebooks are accessible via LibSearch.

    The best way to find them is to:

    • Search for keywords that describe your topic, for example: "engineering mathematics"
    • Within the "All Filters" option, narrow down to:
      • At my Library
      • Catalogue only
      • Full text online

    When you have found a book to read, you have the option to read it online. Be sure to sign out of the book once you have finished looking at it.


    1. Find the ebook "Advanced engineering mathematics" by K.A. Stroud
    2. Does this book have information on orthogonal functions? (Hint: use the magnifying glass icon to search within book)
  • Journals

    Journals are incredibly rich in content and you will find them useful for your course throughout your studies. The Library subscribes to thousands, so it is important to be able to find the relevant ones for you. If you don't have a particular title you want to find, you can search via a keyword in LibSearch. If you are looking for a specific one, you can use the "Publications" option on the left hand side of the LibSearch screen.

    Use the below steps for journals and answer the questions below:

    • Enter into LibSearch the title of the journal you are looking for, for example, “Journal of Machine Learning Research”

    • Click on "About this publication" and then "Full text access"

    • Look at the date range that is available for the journal


    1. What is the oldest year that is available for “Journal of Machine Learning Research”?

    2. Open the journal and browse to 2021. How many issues were published that year?