Upgrade your future with our Functional Skills courses in Maths and English

Do you have a GCSE in Maths and English? How many times have you heard this question when applying for a job or a university course?

Upgrade your future with our Functional Skills courses in Maths and English.

Interested in our free Maths and English courses? Here’s what to do next…

A group of young students studying together.

Not having the minimum requirements in Maths and English can be a frustrating barrier to achieving your ambitions. But here’s where we can help. 

Our Functional Skills Level 2 courses in Maths and English give you the equivalent of a grade C /4 at GCSE and can help open doors to new career possibilities. We offer free Level 1 courses too if you need to build up to Level 2. 

And best of all – they’re completely free! You won’t have to pay a thing*. 

So, whether you’re returning to work after a break, trying to secure a promotion, or looking to study a degree at university – Functional Skills in Maths and English can help you to stand out from the crowd. 

Our courses are delivered online and include 60 hours of live classes. Each course lasts approximately 5 weeks, and courses take place regularly throughout the year. At the end of the course, there is an in-person exam. We require full attendance at our courses to ensure you are fully prepared to pass the exam.

3 female students studying in a group using laptops
Interested in our free Maths and English courses? Here’s what to do next… 
  1. Check you meet the courses’ eligibility requirements. 
  2. Register your interest by clicking on the button below. 
  3. Once you have registered your interest, we will be in touch to invite you to come in and complete a pre-assessment so that we can recommend which course level would be right for you. 

It’s that simple!

Two students working together with their laptops open outside.
Eligibility requirements 

To be eligible for our free Functional Skills courses, you need to: 

  • Have been aged 19 or above on 31 August 2024
  • Live in London
  • Be a citizen of the UK or an EEA (European Economic Area) country, or have permission granted by the UK government to live in the UK, which is not for educational purposes.
  • Have permission to live in the UK for at least 12 months from the first day of your course.
  • Not currently be undertaking an apprenticeship with UWL or any other provider.

If you have any questions, please email: functionalskills@uwl.ac.uk

  • *Terms and conditions

    Applicants must meet our eligibility requirements to be accepted onto our free Functional Skills courses. Applicants may be asked to complete a free lower level Functional Skills course before completing Level 2. This will be based on the outcomes of a short pre-assessment to establish current working levels. 

Frequently asked questions

What are Functional Skills?
  • What are Functional Skills qualifications?

    Functional Skills are widely recognised qualifications, which aim to equip learners with the essential skills needed for work, further education and day-to-day life. Achieving a Functional Skills qualification can be a great way to build confidence and take the next step in your career or further education.

  • What are the Functional Skills levels?

    Functional Skills levels range from: 

    • Pre-Entry (beginner level)
    • Entry Level 1
    • Entry Level 2
    • Entry Level 3
    • Level 1
    • Level 2 (highest level – equivalent to GCSE grade C/4) 

     At the University of West London, we offer courses at the two highest levels only: Level 1 and Level 2. 

  • Are these beginner courses in Maths/English?

    No – Level 1 and Level 2 courses are not beginner level. Level 1 and Level 2 are the highest level of Functional Skills, and Level 2 is equivalent to GCSE grade C/4.

    If you have limited English or Maths knowledge, you may wish to first consider taking an Entry Level or ESOL course with another provider to build your skills. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.

Our courses and how they work
  • Are the courses/exams free?

    Yes – UWL’s Functional Skills courses and exams are funded by the Greater London Authority Adult Education Budget so there is no cost for eligible learners who take our courses.

  • When do the classes take place?

    Each course consists of 60-hours of live, online classes. We offer a variety of timetables throughout the year. Some of our courses have classes on evenings and weekends, while others take place during the day.

  • Can I just take the exam, or must I take the course first?

    Everyone is required to take the full course first as part of the funding rules and to ensure they are fully prepared for the exam.

  • The classes are online. Can I join while working or while looking after a dependant?

    No – it is one of the course requirements that everyone who joins the classes must be in a suitable, quiet environment without background noise, interruptions or distractions. This is to ensure you and your classmates can fully engage with the classes.

  • Are the classes recorded?

    No – we do not record the classes.

  • Do I need to attend all the classes?

    Yes – 100% attendance is required for all classes on our courses. Our courses only last around 5 weeks, rather than the standard 6 months to a year it can take to complete a course with other providers. This means we require your full attendance to ensure you are ready for the final exam. If a learner misses classes, they may be withdrawn from the course.

  • I do not have a laptop or PC; can I join the classes on my phone?

    No – We ask everyone to join the classes using a laptop or PC. If you do not have access to a laptop or PC, you will be able to access the computers at one of UWL’s campuses. You will also need to make sure you have a working camera and microphone.

Results and exam resits
Support and coming onto campus
  • I have a special educational need/learning difference; can this be considered when completing the course/exam?

    Yes – if you have a diagnosed learning difference, we will provide you with support when you complete your pre-assessment, while taking the course and for your final exam at the end of the course.

    If you believe you have a learning difference, but this has not been diagnosed, please get in touch to discuss this further.

  • When will I need to come onto campus?

    You will only be required to come to one of UWL’s campuses twice. Once for your pre-assessment before taking a course, and once more when you sit your exam at the end of the course.

    You are also welcome to come on to campus at any time during your course to use the University’s facilities and resources.