Preparing for exams

The following suggestions are offered to reduce stress and allow you to prepare effectively and perform well in exams.

Exam season can be challenging and stress-inducing for many students. The exam hall, time pressure and a fear of forgetting everything you know just when you need it, can bring on cold sweats and a sense of panic. It is easy to lose perspective and begin to feel your whole future depends on how you perform over the hour or two of an exam but this is not usually the case.

A healthy appreciation of the importance of preparing for exams and giving it your best effort is a good thing, but very high-stress levels can get in the way and usually do nothing to enhance performance. Every student will have a different approach to revision, exam preparation and sitting exams and each will respond differently to suggestions. For this reason, the following is offered as a toolkit which contains a variety of ideas, tips and suggestions that you may find useful.

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Student talking to staff member in an office

Before the exam

During the exam

After the exam