Photography student piece showing a couple holding each other whilst surrounded by greenery.
Photography student piece showing a couple holding each other whilst surrounded by greenery.

ARTSFEST 2022: new talent on show

Students graduating from the London School of Film, Media and Design took centre stage this week as their work went on display as part of this year’s ARTSFEST, with events and exhibitions at the West London campus.


ARTSFEST spotlights the work of students in photography, interior design, media and communications, broadcast and digital journalism, journalism, games design and animation, and visual effects. Also represented are advertising and public relations, graphic design, fashion and textiles, fashion promotion and imaging, fashion buying and management students, along with those from the fashion branding and marketing foundation course.

This exhibition is the culmination of our students’ time at UWL and they are very excited to share their creative vision.”

Says Head of Subject, Design and Communication, Dorota Watson.

We are delighted with the work on display which reflects the talent and imagination our graduates will demonstrate in their future careers.”

Work on display at St Mary’s Road included Home – an exhibition of intimate photographic work made at home during lockdown by students from the University of West London BA (Hons) Photography course, and its partner institution Deutsche-Pop, Berlin, Cologne and Vienna. The project has been supported by Creative People and Places Hounslow Visual Arts Programme.

Photography course leader Peter Bennett explained:

These images are a little snapshot of a point in history,

The story behind it is almost as important than the work.”

The Guardian University Guide 2021 ranked the UWL top in London for film production and photography. Visual effects course leader Angus Luscombe explained that the exhibition includes showreels from this year and last year’s graduates, to give exposure to the work of students who didn’t get to exhibit in 2021, due to Covid restrictions. 

Angus said:

Visual effects is about mixing computer generated imagery with real life footage,

Many of our graduates are already working in the Film & TV industry.”

More information about the London School of Film, Media and Design and the courses we offer.

ARTSFEST students' work

Highlights of final year students' portfolios and showreels from the London School of Film, Media and Design and the London College of Music.

A collage of examples of graduate's work from LCM and LSFMD

Exhibition pieces and events

ARTSFEST 2022 - fashion show showing all the students involved on stage.

ARTSFEST Fashion Show 2022

A photo of a green plant in a grey plant pot, with a caption saying "EAT SLEEP RAVE REPEAT"

Tobias Spyropoul - Photography 

Female with elaborate yellow and purple dress, holding a pot over her head.

Shanice Samra - Photography 

ARTSFEST Fashion Show 2022 - wearing an elaborate and vibrant hooded dress.

ARTSFEST Fashion Show 2022

A warped photograph of people waiting for a bus with red and blue lines in the background.

Mihail Stanescu - Photography 

Visual effects piece with cut out images of people on top of a grey background.

Visual Effects

A photo of an individual posing, wearing a red translucent vest, red hat and black shorts.

Matthew Gibbons - Photography

ARTSFEST Fashion Show 2022 - students modelling on the catwalk.

ARTSFEST Fashion Show 2022

A photo of an individual facing the wall - several frames are positioned on the wall and merchandise laid out beneath.

Lydia Battle - Photography

A photo of a tree surrounded by vegetation.

Katarzyna Miczek - Photography

A photo of books and a picture frame on a window sill.

James Murray - Photography

A photo of jeans neatly folded up on a stone slab near the sea.

Holly Laskey - Photography

ARTSFEST Fashion Show 2022 - student modelling a vibrant dress whilst holding a skateboard.

ARTSFEST Fashion Show 2022

Student photography of someone's hand with long red nails, touching a mirror with a reflection.

Connie-Mae Jones - Photography

Photography student poloroid photos entitled 'Spring'

Holly Chapman - Photography

A photo of two individuals sat on the floor next to each other, wearing white clothing and staring straight at the camera.

Imaani Erdogan - Photography

Student photography of a rugby scrum in action.

Daniela Torres - Photography

Student photography of a female wearing a martial arts uniform, ready to fight.

Fatbardha Salihu - Photography

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