Two students working together with their laptops open outside.
Two students working together with their laptops open outside.

Students supporting students


UWL’s Peer Mentoring Service is an opportunity for you to build your skills and boost your confidence. Whether you want to receive the support of a peer mentor or volunteer to be a peer mentor, you can get involved. 

We caught up with two students who are both studying in the School of Medical Biosciences to find out how they both benefit from the scheme. 

Last year Kadiatou Bah really benefited from having the support of a mentor and now she has become one herself:

Peer mentoring is really helpful, and it enables you to understand all the ways the University is here to support you. It is also just comforting knowing you have someone there by your side who can guide you through your studies.” 

Whenever I have needed help making decisions, having a peer mentor has been so useful so I knew I wanted to become one myself. I’ve really enjoyed the whole process of helping people and it’s so easy to sign up, you just fill out a form and you’re given training.” 

Kadiatou is now mentoring Alisha Sabherwal, who told us:

It’s been really helpful. I’ve learned which websites I can use for assignments or exams and what help is available for me. It’s also helped me to be organised with my work. I feel it’s a good opportunity to learn that there are people out there who are willing to help you and guide you through your University experience.” 

Both students are now using the Peer Mentoring Service to empower their student experience and were encouraged to get involved by their Course Leader, Dr Bernadine Idowu. 

With my students I install that culture of supporting each other. It’s just about knowing someone is going through the same thing as you and you’re not alone. It’s not just beneficial for your education, it also helps with your personal development. Student support is having a conversation about everything and anything and I’m very proud of my students who have been able to grow so much in confidence thanks to peer mentoring.” 

To find out more about peer mentoring and sign up, visit the Peer Mentoring Service page.