Alison has shoulder length brown hair and wears tortoiseshell glasses. She is smiling at the camera for a headshot photo

Alison Griffin

Head of Study Support

Alison is Head of Study Support at UWL with responsibility for providing support to students through academic skills workshops and 1:1 study support appointments, Peer Mentor pairings and Functional Skills maths and English opportunities.

As a UWL graduate, Alison has experience as both student and staff member. She introduced a Student Support and Mentoring Service in 2011. The high continuation rates among users of the service led to Alison becoming Head of Engagement and Retention at UWL.

Alison’s current work helps students to build their skills and gain qualifications that will allow them to graduate with greater confidence, relevant transferable skills and equipped to explore a wider range of study or work opportunities.

As a central support service, study support is provided to students in every UWL Academic School and College.

Workshops cover a broad range of topics and the one-to-one appointments focus on the question the student has brought to the appointment. This has allowed the team to gain an understanding of the challenges faced within multiple subjects and across multiple courses.

  • Memberships

    Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)