Augustine Arimoro

Dr Augustine Arimoro

Senior Lecturer in Law
School of Law

Augustine is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the School of Law and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is the Module Leader for EU Law and contributes to teaching the Law of Torts and Public Law. Before joining the University of West London in September 2024, Augustine was Interim Programme Convenor for the LLB Programme at the University of Roehampton London. He taught Public Law, Criminal Law and Legal Research at the undergraduate level and the Law of Sustainable Development to postgraduate students. 

Augustine is a Barrister and Solicitor (NP) of the Supreme Court of Nigeria and has previous experience working in private wealth management with one of Africa's leading non-banking financial institutions. In February 2023, the British Academy endorsed Augustine as an Exceptional Global Talent. 

An active researcher, his research interest lies in the intersection of law and development in the Global South. He has published widely in leading peer-reviewed journals including the African Journal of Human Rights, the Liverpool Law Review, the Business Law Review and the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work among others. Augustine's published monographs include: Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Economies (Routledge 2020), Global Perspectives in the LGBT Community and Non-Discrimination (IGI GLobal 2022), Law and Sustainable Development after COVID-19 (Routledge 2024) and Human Rights and Standard of Living in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Prospects (Routledge 2025). 

Augustine's research has been cited in different policy papers and by several international organisations including the European Parliamentary Research Service. He is a reviewer for several journals including the Journal of African Law, the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, the Journal of Comparative Law in Africa and the International Journal of Construction Management. 

Augustine obtained his academic degrees through studies in Nigeria, South Africa and the United Kingdom. He welcomes collaboration with fellow academic and research students in his areas of research expertise.

  • Qualifications

    • LLB (Hons)
    • BL
    • LLM (Commercial Law)
    • PhD
    • FHEA
  • Awards

    Society of Legal Scholars Research and Small Events Fund (£2,100) (May 2022) - Principal Investigator
    Southland Methodist Trust Research Grant 2024 (£3,500) - Principal Investigator
  • Memberships

    Society of Legal Scholars
    Nigerian Bar Association
    African Network of Constitutional Lawyers
    Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


I am Module Leader for EU Law and contribute to the teaching of Public Law and Torts at the School of Law, University of West London. I have previously taught Criminal Law and Public Law at the University of Roehampton and at Nottingham Trent University.


Augustine's research focuses on the role of law in development. His work interrogates how the law supports growth and economic growth and development in the economies of the Global South.

  • Research and publications


    AE Arimoro, Human Rights and Standard of Living in Sub-Saharan Africa (Routledge 2025) -

    AE Arimoro, EM Igbokwe and TT Egbe (eds), Law and Sustainable Development after COVID-19 (Routledge 2024) -

    AE Arimoro (ed), Global Perspectives on the LGBT Community (IGI Global, 2022) 
    DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2428-5

    AE Arimoro, Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Economies (Routledge 2020) -

    Book chapters

    AE Arimoro, H Musa and AA Elgujja, 'Sukuk for Sub-Saharan Africa Infrastructure Post-Covid 19' in AE Arimoro, EM Igbokwe and TT Egbe (eds), Law and Sustainable Development after COVID-19 (Routledge 2024) -

    AE Arimoro, 'Nigeria's Legislation Against Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities: An Assessment' in S Ndlovy and PN Nyoni (eds), Social, Educational, and Cultural Perspectives of Disabilities in the Global South (IGI Global 2021) - DOI: 10.4018/978-1- 7998-4867-7.ch004.

    AE Arimoro, 'Crime or Human Right?' The Criminalization of Same-Sex Relationship Conundrum in Nigeria' in J Kurebwa (ed), Understanding Gender in Africa (IGI Global 2019) - ) DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2815-0.ch00.

    Journal articles

    AE Arimoro, ‘Beyond Economics! The (Evolving) Role of Law in the Eradication of Extreme Poverty’ (2023) 8 Journal of Human Rights and Social Work 192-204 DOI: 10.1007/s41134-023-00247-2 

    AE Arimoro, ‘Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa Post-COVID-19: The Role of Law’ (2022) 27(2) Public Works Management & Policy 108-126 DOI: 10.1177/1087724X211059531.

    AE Arimoro, ‘Interrogating the Criminalisation of Same-Sex Sexual Activity: A Study of Commonwealth Africa’ (2021) 42 Liverpool Law Review  379-399 DOI: 10.1007/s10991-021-09280-5.

    AE Arimoro and H Musa, ‘Towards Sustainable Water Resource Management in Rural Nigeria: The Role of Communities’ (2020) 11(1) The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 1-17 DOI: 10.4314/jsdlp.v11i1.2.

    AE Arimoro, ‘The Criminalisation of Consensual Same-Sex Sexual Conduct in Nigeria: a Critique’ (2019) 4 Journal of Human Rights and Social Work DOI: 10.1007/s41134-019-00091.

    AE Arimoro, ‘Are They Not Nigerians? The Obligation of the State to End Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities’ (2019) 19(2) International Journal of Discrimination and the Law DOI: 10.1177/1358229199846764.

    AE Arimoro, ‘Persons with Intellectual Disability and Access to Justice in Nigeria: Challenges and the Way Forward’ (2019) 5(2) Hasanuddin Law Review DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v512.1561.

    AE Arimoro, Clinical Legal Education: Vision and Strategy for Start-Up Clinics in Nigeria’ (2019) 26 (1) International Journal of Clinical Legal Education DOI: 10.19164/ijcle.v26i1.824.

    AE Arimoro, ‘Institutional Framework for Public-Private Partnerships in Nigeria: Is it a Case of Too Many Cooks for One Pot of Broth?’ (2019) 40(2) Business Law Review DOI: 10.54648/bula2019010.

    AE Arimoro, ‘Public-Private Partnership and the Right to Property in Nigeria’ (2019) 19(2) African Human Rights Law Journal DOI:10.17159/1996- 2096/2019/v19n2a10.

    AE Arimoro, ‘Safeguards for Public-Private Partnership Assets in Nigeria: Lessons from South Africa’ (2019) 6(2) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa DOI: 10520/EJC-1ede33a540.

    AE Arimoro, ‘When Love is a Crime: Is the Criminalisation of Same-Sex Relations in Nigeria a Protection of Nigerian Culture?’ (2018) 39 Liverpool Law Review DOI:10.1007/s10991-018-9217-y.

    AE Arimoro, An Appraisal of the Framework for Public-Private Partnership in South Africa’ (2018) 13(3) European Procurement and Public-Private Partnership Law Review DOI: 10.21552/epppl/2018/3/8.

    Book reviews

    AE Arimoro, ‘Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria (Routledge 2022)’ (2022) 13(1) The Journal of Sustainable Development, Law and Policy 200-206 DOI: 10.4314/jsdlp.v13il.8.

    AE Arimoro, ‘‘Book Review – Nwangwu, G., Public-Private Partnerships in Nigeria (Palgrave Macmillan London 2016)’ Policy Works Management & Policy (2020) DOI: 

  • Conferences

    AE Arimoro, ‘The Right to an Adequate Standard of Living through the Lens of Legal Integration in Africa’ being Keynote Paper delivered at the Centre for Legal Integration in Africa, Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa – 28th August 2024 -

    AE Arimoro, ‘Exploring Islamic Finance for Public Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa Post COVID-19’ | Paper delivered at the Perspectives for Post-COVID-19 and Sustainable Development: A Law and Development Discourse Workshop held at the Roehampton Law School, University of Roehampton London – September 2022.

    AE Arimoro and TT Egbe, ‘Enhancing Students’ Engagement During Seminar Sessions: Experience at a UK Law School’ | Paper delivered at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Conference on Teaching and Learning in Law- June 2022.

    AE Arimoro and TT Egbe, ‘Covid-19 and Healthcare Infrastructure in Nigeria: A Law and Development Discussion’ | Paper Presented at the SLSA Conference, University of York, April 2022.

    TT Egbe and AE Arimoro, ‘Effect of an Unreasonable Deviation: Reconciling Legal Principles with Commercial Realities’ | Paper Presented at the SLSA Conference, University of York, April 2022.

    AE Arimoro, ‘Raising Private Finance for Public Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Law and Development Discussion’ | Paper Presented at the Roehampton Law School Research Seminar Series, March 2022.

    AE Arimoro, ‘The Role of Law in Unlocking Domestic Funding for Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa’ | Paper Presented at the School of Law, Raffles University, India, November 2021.

    AE Arimoro, ‘Law as a Catalyst for Stimulating Investor Sentiments among Low to Middle-Income Individuals in the Development of Infrastructure in Nigeria’| Paper Presented at the Law and Development Conference, University of Cape Town, Cape Town South Africa, September 2017

  • Research degree supervision

    • Law and sustainable development
    • Right to development
    • Infrastructure and procurement law
    • Sustainable Development Goals
    • Public-private partnership law
    • African customary law/African legal systems

    Current supervision

    C  Orji - The Law and Sustainable Public-Private Partnerships (University of Roehampton) (ongoing)

Courses taught on