Dr Cain Kazimoglu
Cain Kazimoglu is currently a senior lecturer at the University of West London. Previously, Cain worked with the University of Greenwich, London as a senior lecturer, and a researcher with the Center for Advanced Studies Research Group. He was also a user experience researcher and an assistant professor with the Department of Computer Engineering, Cyprus International University.
Cain has over 15 years of teaching and professional research experience with various institutions and research centres. His research interests include usability testing, user experience design for digital media, serious game design, gamification and disruptive technologies: mainly in virtual and augmented reality.
BSc in Information Technology, MSc, PhD in Computer Science
TUBITAK 2019, best supervision on intrusion and innovation project, Istanbul, Turkey. -
Cain is a Fellow of Higher Education Academy in the UK, and he is PG Certified.
Research and publications
- Kazimoglu, C. (2020). Enhancing confidence in using computational thinking skills via playing a serious game: A case study to increase motivation in learning computer programming, IEEE Access 8, 221831-221851, 2020.
- Kazimoglu & Bacon, (2020). An Analysis of a Video Game on Cognitive Abilities: A Study to Enhance Psychomotor Skills via Game-Play, IEEE Access 8, 110495-110510.
- Akanyeti, I, Kazimoglu, C & Kanyemba, T. (2020). Perceived versus objective knowledge towards a sustainable solid waste management in Northern Nicosia, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 22 (6), 1943-1952.
- Kazimoglu, C, Bacon, L & Mackinnon, L. (2014). Developing an educational game to support cognitive learning, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching 5 (9)
- Kazimoglu, C, Kiernan, M, Bacon, L, MacKinnon, L, (2011). Understanding computational thinking before programming: Developing guidelines for the design of games to learn introductory programming through game-play, International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) 1 (3), 30-52.
- Kazimoglu, C. & El Rawas, A. (2019) Does the Education Degree Significantly Affect the Perception of a Virtual Reality Environment? Folklor/edebiyat 25 (97-1, 2019/1), 1-17.
- Kazimoglu, C. & Kiernan, M. (2016). How well do the results from practical coursework compare with the results from theoretical exams in computer programming courses? C Kazimoglu, M Kiernan EDULEARN16 Proceedings, 6638-6644
- Ulukok, Mk, Sensoy ZB & Kazimoglu, C. (2014). Impact of encrypted multiple choice exams on students' success. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences 2, 68-73.
- Kazimoglu C, Tekguc, U & Yurtkan, K. (2014). Correlations among assessment techniques used in an introductory programming course. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences 1, 346-351.
- Kazimoglu C, Tekguc, U & Yurtkan, K. (2014). Evaluation of algorithm implementation assessment methods based on a data structure course, The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences 1, 341-345,
- Kazimoglu, C, Kiernan, M, Bacon, L, & MacKinnon, L. (2012). Learning programming at the computational thinking level via digital game-play, Procedia Computer Science 9, 522-531.
- Kazimoglu, C, Kiernan, M, Bacon, L, & MacKinnon, L. (2012). A serious game for developing computational thinking and learning introductory computer programming, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 47, 1991-1999.
- Kazimoglu, C, Kiernan, M, Bacon, L, & MacKinnon, L. (2010). Developing a game model for computational thinking and learning traditional programming through game-play, E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare.
- Kazimoglu, C, Kiernan, M, Bacon, L (2010). Enchanting e-learning through the use of interactive-feedback loop in digital games, 3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction, 502-509.
Research degree supervision
- Software Engineering
- User Experience Research
- Game Based Learning
- Gamification
- Game design and development
- Virtual Reality
- Augmented Reality