Cynthia Cordova-Sanchez

Dr Cynthia Alejandra Cordova Sanchez

Senior Lecturer in Psychology
School of Human and Social Sciences

Before developing a career in higher education, Cynthia worked for five years as a forensic psychologist at the Federal Police of Mexico. During this time, she was also appointed by the Centre of Intelligence and National Security in Mexico to train psychologists in the areas of interview and interrogation for intelligence purposes.

Cynthia’s research interests focus on violence against women and girls (VAWG), violence to migrant communities, the treatment of offenders and desistance from crime. And she has been an adviser for the consular section of the Mexican Embassy in the UK to protect migrant women against gendered violence.

  • Qualifications

    • BSc (Autonomous University of Tabasco State UJAT)
    • MSc Applied Organisational Psychology (Universidad del Valle de Mexico)
    • MSc Forensic Psychology (Kingston University)
    • PhD Criminology (Aberystwyth University)
  • Memberships

    British Psychological Society
    Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC)
    Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)


  • Research and publications

    Cordova Sanchez, C. (2023). Política de Vinculación y Atención Integral para la Mujer. Mexico, Sección Consular en el Reino Unido. 

    Cordova Sanchez, C. (2023). Violence Against Women and Girls in Mexico. A Perspective From Readers of Online News: Violencia contra mujeres y niñas en México. Una perspectiva de los lectores de noticias en línea. Ciencias Sociales. Revista Multidisciplinaria, 5(1).

    Cordova Sanchez, C. (2016). Política de reinserción social en México, la cárcel y su potencial para la re-incorporación a la sociedad de los delincuentes. [Challenges of the policy of social re-integration in Mexico. The prison and its potential for the inclusion of its offenders]. Revista Legislativa de Estudios Sociales y de Opinión Pública Centro de Estudios Sociales y de Opinión Pública de la Cámara de Diputados. vol. 9, no 18, p. 105-141.  ISSN. 2007-1531. 

    Cordova Sanchez, C. (2017). Psicología Aplicada en el Sistema de Justicia Mexicano. [Applied Psychology in the Mexican Criminal Justice System]. Boletín Científico de la Escuela Superior de Atotonilco de Tula, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 8, jul. 2017. 

    Cordova Sanchez, C. (2017). ¿Por qué se culpa al Nuevo Sistema de Justicia Penal Mexicano del alza en la inseguridad? [Why is the New Penal System blamed for the recent increase in crime rates?]. Nexos. Abril, 10, 2017.