Dr Ibrahim Shaaban profile picture

Dr Ibrahim Shaaban

Head of Civil Engineering
Head of the Sustainability in Civil, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Research Group
Director of MSc Structural Engineering Programme (Course Leader)
School of Computing and Engineering

Ibrahim graduated from Ain Shams University, Egypt, in 1984. Since his graduation as a civil engineer, his career has progressed through three parallel paths, namely:

  • academic (teaching and research)
  • professional engineering
  • education development and higher education policy and strategies.

He was awarded a PhD from the University of Dundee, UK, in 1993. Over the years he taught several courses related to design of concrete structures, structural analysis, properties of materials and concrete technology.

In 2005, he secured a professor post at Benha University, Egypt, which was a new independent university at that time. In 2007, he was promoted to Head of Department of Civil Engineering at the same university and in 2011 became the first Elected Dean for the Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University. From January 2013 to August 2014, he worked as Director of the “Higher Education Enhancement Projects Unit”. Through that position, he became part of the network of higher education development experts in the MENA region. From September 2014 to January 2018, Benha University VC appointed Ibrahim as consultant and expert in higher education strategies. In addition, Ibrahim was a part time visiting professor at University of Petronas, Malaysia from 2010-2013.

Ibrahim has been active in providing professional engineering consultancy since his graduation in 1984 through various routes (ie self-employment, well established engineering offices as well as the university consultancy service). Ibrahim's work has included laboratory testing of building materials, in situ testing of existing structures, structural design, redesign of structures for change in use, construction site supervision, revision of designs of other designers and provision of evidence in courts of law/public hearings regarding the state of structures after inspection. Ibrahim has earned Chartered status from the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers, which is the professional qualification awarding body in Egypt.

In October 2015, Ibrahim returned to the UK as a scholar visitor at the University of Liverpool. He started multidisciplinary research work with colleagues from Egypt, Malaysia, Coventry, and Liverpool. Ibrahim’s research interests include innovative and sustainable materials, retrofitting of structural buildings, durability of structural concrete elements and their relation to structural design. He participated in publishing more than 100 journal and conference papers with authors from many countries. Since 2002, he supervised 11 PhD candidates till completion, and he is currently supervising 10 MSc and 3 PhD students. Ibrahim was invited as External Examiner (EE) for 55 MSc students and 23 PhD students in a number of national universities such as Coventry, Derby, Wales, and international universities in Egypt, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Sudan.

In July 2016, Ibrahim was granted fellowship of the Institution of Civil Engineers and currently is active in committees and subcommittees in the ICE. After he became a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) in 2016, Ibrahim started teaching undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Liverpool. Later in 2018, Ibrahim was appointed as a senior lecturer in University of Liverpool.

In 2019, Ibrahim was appointed as a senior lecturer in Civil Engineering at the University of West London with more teaching duties in Civil Engineering subjects. He consciously links teaching activities to his industrial experience and complies with the quality assurance criteria for higher education (measurement of learning outcomes, student surveys, open communication with students, documentation of course materials, etc.). As a sort of appreciation for his contribution during the last three years, the University of Liverpool offered Ibrahim an honorary post as an honorary fellow (Visiting Professor) to keep the academic link. In January 2021, Ibrahim was promoted to a Reader in Civil engineering. Between 2019-2021, his applications for various professional bodies have been successful and Ibrahim is now entitled to use the designatory letters CEng, FICE, SFHEA, MIStructE, FIStructE.

In September 2022, Ibrahim developed and became the leader for the MSc Structural Engineering program. In October 2023, Ibrahim became Head of Civil Engineering. Ibrahim became Head of the Sustainability in Civil, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Research Group in January 2024. If you are looking to pursue a full time MSc Structural Engineering course or full time/part time PhD in one of Ibrahim’s research topics, please feel free to directly email Dr Ibrahim Shaaban for any question or check the current PhD topics at Doctoral Research page.

Personal distinctions

  • Best Researcher Award in Natural Fibres (2024) from Science Father, South East Asia
  • Member of Academic Qualification Panel of the Institution of Structural Engineers, UK (2023 - present)
  • Co-Chair at the second international summit on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (ISCSEE2024), 18-20 March 2024, Florence, Italy. Find out more on the ISCSEE2024 website.
  • Keynote Speaker at the International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (A conference of World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (EASTCON)). Speech entitled: 'Greener Concrete for Future Sustainability', Kuala Lumpur convention centre, Malaysia. (Keynote Speech, University of Petronas, Malaysia 2010)
  • Member of the judging panel for the ICE North West Civil Engineering Awards (Invitation to Perform, ICE 2017)
  • Member of the Judging Panel for the International Greenwich Project Olympiad (IGO) – A Secondary School Project Competition on Friday, 15 July 2022.
  • Keynote speaker on the Research and Industry Day organised by School of Computing and Engineering, University of West London on 29th of June 2022, delivered a keynote presentation jointly with Professor Joe Rizzuto, entitled “Sustainability and durability in building structures”.

Elsevier, Wiley & MDPI Reviewer Certificates

  • Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing: Construction and Building Materials 2019
  • Certificate of Reviewing: Journal of Building Engineering 2019
  • Certificate of Reviewing: Transportation Research Part A 2019
  • Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing: Engineering Structures 2018
  • Certificate of Reviewing: Alexandria Engineering Journal 2015
  • Certificate of Reviewing: Construction and Building Materials 2013

Peer review

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, World Scientific (Journal article reviewer 2021 - )

International Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer (Journal article reviewer 2021 - )

  • Structural Concrete, Journal of the fib, (Journal article reviewer 2021 - )
  • MDPI Journals (Journal article reviewer 2020 - )
  • Ain Shams Engineering Journal (ASEJ), ScienceDirect.com (Journal article reviewer 2020 - )
  • Structures and Buildings, proceeding of the Institution of Civil engineers (Journal article reviewer 2020 - )
  • - Journal of Building Engineering, ScienceDirect, Elsevier (Journal article reviewer 2019 - )
  • Case Studies in Construction Materials, Elsevier (Journal article reviewer 2019 - )
  • Structures Journal, ScienceDirect, the IstructE (Journal article reviewer 2019 - )
  • Engineering Structures Journal, Elsevier (Journal article reviewer 2018 - )
  • Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Journal article reviewer 2018 - )
  • Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures 'JMES' (Journal article reviewer 2017 - )
  • Construction and Building Materials Journal (Journal article reviewer 2017 - )
  • Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (Journal article reviewer 2017- )
  • Alexandria Engineering Journal: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/alexandria-engineering-journal/ (Journal article reviewer 2007 - )
  • Review panel for academic posts promotions (associate professors and professors) in Egypt, Syria, Sudan and Malaysia (Evaluator for academic promotion nominees, (12 Associate professors and 8 professors). 2007 - )

External examiner

  • External examiner for the University of Wales for Civil Engineering Program, September 2021 –
  • Ain Shams University, Egypt (PhD, 2021, 2022, 2023)
  • German University, Egypt (PhD, September 2021)
  • University of Derby (PhD, November 2021)
  • Coventry University, UK (MSc 2019)
  • Ain Shams University, Egypt (MSc 2008, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018)
  • Cairo University, Egypt (PhD 2008, 2016, 2017, 2018)
  • Assiut University, Egypt (PhD 2014)
  • University of Petronas, Malaysia (PhD 2009, 2010, 2013)
  • Menoufia University, Egypt (PhD 2006, 2008, 2012, 2013)
  • Tanta University, Egypt (PhD 2013)
  • University of Om Dorman, Sudan (PhD 2012)

Member of Editorial Boards

Guest Editor for International Journals

  • Qualifications

    BSC (Ain Shams University)
    MSC (Ain Shams University)
    PhD (University of Dundee)

  • Awards

    Best Researcher Award in Natural Fibres (2024) from Science Father, South East Asia
  • Memberships

    Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers, FIStructE, Member No. 018408720. Date 25-06-2021.
    Full member of the Institution of Structural Engineers, MIStructE, Member No. 028408720. Date 3-12-2020.
    Senior Fellow of the Advance HE UK Recognition reference: PR179975. Date 28-4-2020.
    Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council Registration No. 664647. Date 11-6-2019.
    Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers UK Member No. 81419763. Date 21-7-2016.
    Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK Recognition reference: PR099268. Date 3-3-2016.
    Member of Egypt’s Society for Culture & Development. Membership Number: 47/2014.
    Chartered by the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers as a Structural Consultant in the field of Design of Concrete Structures May 2000. Consultant. Number: 01/03696.
    Member of the Egyptian Society of Engineers. (1995). Membership Number: 2006.
    Member of the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers. (1984). Membership Number: 11/00304.