Dr Mark Roycroft
I was a senior detective in the Metropolitan Police for 30 years. In 2001 I studied policing methods in the USA as part of my Fulbright scholarship. I have written 3 books on policing matters.
- 2003-2009 Surrey University PhD: Part Time Study
- Thesis: Solving Factors and Decision-Making in “Hard to Solve” Murder Enquiries.
- 1997-1999 University of Portsmouth MSc: Criminal Justice Studies - Part Time Study
- Thesis: Are analysts an integral or
- 2003-2009 Surrey University PhD: Part Time Study
Fulbright ScholarshipPolice Good Conduct medal -
Policing HE forum
I teach on the following modules:
- Introduction to Policing and Criminology
- All aspects of Criminology
- Investigation
- Crime and Dishonesty
- Major Crime/ Drugs of abuse
- Case File to Court
- Research Methods for Policing Students
- Homicide
- Policing and police Powers
- Counter Terrorism/Terrorism
- Organised Crime
- Cyber crime
- Research methods
Research and publications
'Modern Police Leadership: Operational effectiveness at every level'. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
'Decision Making in major Incidents, Art or Science'. Palgrave Macmillan, February 2019.
'Police Chiefs in the UK: Politicians, HR Managers or Crime fighters'. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
'Decision Making in Police enquires' for a “Introduction to Professional Policing” by Dr Ian Pepper and Ruth McGrath. Routledge UK, 2020.
'Crisis at the top: Is the relationship between Chief Constable and PCC putting people off the top job?' Policing Insight, 21 September 2018.
‘A Blended Model for the Public and Private of Policing for England and Wales’ The Future of Policing (2014) Routledge, UK.
‘Current issues in Criminal Investigation and the training implications for the Police & Forensic Science Practitioners’. September 2018, in "Forensic Training in the UK for the 21st Century” by Wiley Publishing.
Co-authored (Professors J Brown & M Innes) a chapter in ‘Policing Beyond MacPherson’ entitled ‘Reform by Crisis: The Murder of Stephen Lawrence’and a socio-historical analysis on the developments in the conduct of murder investigations. Willan Publishing, 2008.
'Valued tradition? An examination of the history and armed policing in the UK and a discussion of the benefits and drawbacks to routine arming of police officers'. Police Professional, 20 November 2014.
'Police Training in the Twenty-first Century: A Toolkit for Lecturers and Practitioner Trainers'. Chapter in Forensic Science Education and Training: A Toolkit for Lecturers and Practitioner Trainers. Wiley .UK. Ed J. Cassella & A. Williams, 2017.
'Trends in Crime, explaining the fall in crime in the UK and US'. Police Professional, 29 January 2015.
'Counting Crime explaining the paradox in crime figures'. Police Professional, 29 April 2015.
'Rape a timeline of reform'. Police Professional, 26 June 2015.
Delivered an academic paper entitled ‘How to embed and monitor practical and behavioural skills in a changing training environment’at a joint conference between The Police service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), Northern Ireland Fire Brigade and Northern Ireland Prison Service. This related to the creation of a new joint three services training college at Desretcreat
Regular guest lecturer on the Senior Investigators (SIO) Course at the MPS Crime Academy Hendon from 2005 to 2011. Opening day lecture explaining my PhD research.
Guest lecturer at the Scottish Police Training Centre SIO Conference in 2003. Delivered lecture on ‘Decision Making in Major Investigations’. This was specifically on the subject of contract killings.
Presentation at 2-day conference on Child Homicide at the University of Huddersfield 13-14 May 2015 on “Decision Making in Child homicides”.
Plenary session lecture on the link between Higher Education and policing at the Polcon conference. Staffordshire University, September 2015.
Guest lecture on Investigative Decision Making in Major enquires at the Police University Oslo, October 2017.