Prof Pauline Fox

Professor Pauline Fox

Director of Studies for the Graduate School
Professor of Psychology
The Graduate School

Before joining the Graduate Centre, Pauline was the Course Director of the MSc Health Psychology at the University of West London from 2005 to 2015.  She has been a member of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Health Psychology Training Committee and a co-editor of Health Psychology Update. Pauline’s research centres on health psychology.

  • Research and publications

    Journal articles

    Forward, C., Khan, H.T.A. & Fox, P. (2023) The experience of living alone as an older woman in the UK during the Covid pandemic: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. BMC Public Health, 23, 244. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-154988-2  

    Forward, C., Khan, H. T. A. & Fox, P. (2022) The health and well-being of older women living alone in the United Kingdom: a scoping review. Journal of Women and Aging,  Jan-Feb; 34(1):79-92. doi: 10.1080/08952841.2020.1788365  

    Forward, C., Khan, H., Fox, P. & Usher, L. (2021) The health and wellbeing of older women living along in the UK: Is living alone a risk factor for poorer health? Ageing International, 47. 392-414.  

    Forward, C., Khan, H.T.A. & Fox, P. (2021) Older women living alone in the UK: Does their health and wellbeing differ from those who cohabit? Population Ageing. 

    Lafarge, C., Usher, L., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2019) The role of rumination in adjusting to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: Rumination as a predictor and mediator of posttraumatic growth. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy.  doi: 10.1037/tra0000440

    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B., & Fox, P. (2018) Improving socio-emotional health for pupils in early secondary education with Pyramid: A school-based, early intervention model. British Journal of Educational Psychology. doi:10.1111/bjep.122251

    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B., & Fox, P. (2017) Beyond evidence-based interventions: implementing an integrated approach to promoting pupil mental wellbeing in schools with Pyramid club. Education and Health, 35 (4): 70-75.

    Lafarge, C. Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2017) Posttraumatic growth following pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: the predictive role of coping strategies and perinatal grief.  Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 17 Jan 12:1-15. doi: 10.1080/10615806.2016.1278433

    Lafarge, C., Mitchell, K., Breeze, C. G., & Fox, P. (2017) Pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: Are health professionals’ perceptions of women’s coping congruent with women’s accounts?  BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17:60 8 February 2017. doi 10.1186/s12884-017-1238-3;

    Lafarge, C. Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2014). Termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: A meta-ethnography of women's experiences. Reproductive Health Matters, 44, 191-201. DOI: 10.1016/S0968-8080(14)44799-2.

    Lafarge, C., Talsania, K., Townshend, J., Fox, P. (2014). Living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease: A Qualitative Analysis.  British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 10(5), 226-235 DOI:

    Ohl, M., Fox, P., & Mitchell, K. (2013) The Pyramid Club elementary school-based intervention: Testing the Circle Time technique to elicit children’s service satisfaction. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 3(2). DOI: 10.5539/jedp.v3n2p204

    Usher, L., Fox, P., Lafarge, C. & Mitchell, K. (2013) Factors associated with complementary and alternative medicine use in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A literature review. Psychology, Community & Health 2(3). DOI: 10.5964/pch.v2i3.65

    Lafarge, C., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2013) Perinatal grief following a termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: the impact of coping strategies. Prenatal Diagnosis. DOI: 10.1002/pd.4218

    Lafarge, C., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2013) Coping with pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of women’s experiences. Qualitative Health Research 23(7): 924-936. DOI: 10.1177/1049732313484198

    Lafarge, C. & Fox, P. (2013) Coping with bereavement following a termination of pregnancy due to fetal abnormality: Women’s and men’s experiences. Health Psychology Update 22(1): 9-13.

    Suszynska, W. & Fox, P. (2013) Polish migrants in the UK: a reflection on cultural perceptions of healthcare and health professionals. Health Psychology Update 22(1): 14-18.

    Ohl, M., Fox, P., & Mitchell, K. (2012) Strengthening socio-emotional competencies in a school setting: Data from the Pyramid project. British Journal of Educational Psychology 83(3): 452-466. DOI: 10.1111/j.2044-8279.2012.02074.x

    Borrill, J., Fox, P. & Roger, D.  (2011) Religion, ethnicity and self-reported self-harm in a diverse non-clinical UK population. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 14(3). 259-269. DOI 10.1080/13674670903485629

    Elander, J., Pittam, G., Lusher, J., Fox, P., & Payne, N. (2010) Evaluation of an intervention to help students avoid unintentional plagiarism by improving their authorial identity. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 35(2): 157-171. DOI: 10.1080/02602930802687745

    Borrill, J., Fox, P., Flynn, M. & Roger, D. (2009) Students who self-harm: coping style, rumination and alexithymia. Counselling Psychology Quarterly 22(4): 361-372. DOI: 10.1080/09515070903334607

    Pittam, G., Elander, J., Lusher, J., Fox, P., & Payne, N. (2009) Student beliefs and attitudes about authorial identity in academic writing. Studies in Higher Education 34(2): 153-170.

    Robinson, N., Blair, M., Lorenc, A., Gully, N., Fox, P. & Mitchell, K. (2008) Complementary medicine use in multi-ethnic paediatric outpatients. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 14: 17-24.

    Ohl, M., Mitchell, K., Cassidy, T., & Fox, P. (2008) The Pyramid Club primary school-based intervention:  Evaluating the impact on children’s social-emotional Health. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 13(3): 115-121. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-3588.2007.00476.x

    Elander, J., Towell, T. & Fox, P. (2007). Competence-based training and assessment by portfolio: the health psychology model. Psychology Learning and Teaching 6(2): 73-79.

    Ellis, J. & Fox, P. (2004) Promoting mental health in students: is there a role for sleep? Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health 124(3): 129-133.

    Borrill, J. & Fox, P. (2002). Preventing prisoner suicides and self-injury by making prisons safer. Health Psychology Update 11(2): 8-11.

    Ellis, J.  & Fox, P. (2001).  The effect of self-identified sexual orientation on helping behaviour in a British sample: are lesbians and gay men treated differently? Journal of Applied Social Psychology 36(6): 1238-1247.

    Fox, P., Bird, L., Baker, H. & Caraher, M. (2000) Promoting mental health among students in higher education in England: the views and attitudes of students and staff.  The International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 2(4): 35-44.

    Fox, P., Caraher, M. & Baker, H. (2000) Promoting student mental health. The Mental Health Foundation Updates 2(11).

    Phillips, S. & Fox, P. (1998) An investigation into the effects of nicotine gum on short-term memory. Psychopharmacology 140(4): 429-433.

    Fox, P. (1998) Using student presentations to develop understanding of experimental design appearing in Radford, J., Van Laar, D.& Rose, D. (eds.) Innovations in Teaching Psychology, Staff and Educational Development Association: 43 - 52.

    Fox, P. & Yamaguchi, C. (1997) Body image change in pregnancy: A comparison of normal weight and overweight primigravidas. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care 24(1): 35-40.

    Ogden, J. & Fox, P. (1994) An examination of the use of smoking for weight control in restrained and unrestrained eaters. International Journal of Eating Disorders 16(2): 177-185.


    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B., & Fox, P. (2015) Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: Preliminary findings from a study of the Pyramid intervention project.  Pp 109-120 in T.M. Ostrowski, I. Sikorska, & K. Gerc (eds). (2015) Resilience and health in a fast-changing world. Krakow:  Jagiellonian University Press

    Cachia, M., Hughes, B., Griffin, A., Fox, P., Townshend, J.  & Ohl.  M. (2015) Using psychological literacy throughout the curriculum to develop students as scientist- practitioners: an overview of psychological literacy at the University of West London.  Pp 9-10 in J. Taylor & J. A. Hulme. (eds.) (2015) Psychological Literacy: A Compendium of Practice.

    Fox, P. (1998) Using student presentations to develop understanding of experimental design.  Pp 43-52 in J. Radford, D. Van Laar & D. Rose (eds) Innovations in Teaching Psychology. Birmingham: Staff and Educational Development Association.

  • Conferences

    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B. &  Fox P. (2017) Improving socio-emotional health and school performance for pupils in early secondary education with Pyramid: a school-based, early intervention model. 12th International Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Conference. University of Roehampton, July 2017. 

    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B. & Fox P. (2015) The realities of implementing a socio-emotional intervention in schools.  Faculty for Children, Young People and their Families Annual Conference.  October 2015. Birmingham

    Jayman M., Ohl, M., Hughes B. & Fox P. (2015) Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: preliminary findings from a study of the Pyramid intervention project.  4th European Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Educational Settings. University of Lausanne, Switzerland, February 2015

    Lafarge C., Mitchell, K., Fox, P., & Breeze, A. (2015) Women’s coping with pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: A comparison between health professionals’ perceptions and women’s accounts. Poster presentation at the British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Conference. London, April 2015

    Lafarge C., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2015) Pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: Health professionals' perceptions of women's coping processes.  Poster presentation, British Maternal and Fetal Medicine 17th Annual Conference, London, April 2015 

     Lafarge C., Mitchell, K., Fox, P., & Breeze, A. (2015) Pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: health professionals’ perceptions of women’s coping processes. Presentation at the Oxford International Health Conference. Oxford, June 2015.

    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B., & Fox, P. (2015) The Pyramid Project at The University of West London. Paper presented at the Seminar Series: School of Education and Continuing Studies, Portsmouth University, November 2015

    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B. & Fox, P. (2014) The impact of a group based intervention on the social and emotional competencies of young people in early secondary education: A pilot study. Poster presentation at the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Postgraduate Conference, University of Kent, March 2014

    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B. & Fox, P. (2014) Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: a pilot study of the Pyramid intervention.  Poster presentation. 9th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Roehampton University, July 2014

    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B. & Fox, P. (2014) Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: preliminary findings from a study of the Pyramid intervention project.  Poster presentation at the British Psychological Society Developmental Section Conference, Amsterdam, September 2014   
    Jayman, M., Ohl, M., Hughes, B. & Fox, P. (2014).  Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: preliminary findings from a study of the Pyramid intervention project.  Paper presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Health and Mental Resilience: An Interdisciplinary Approach at the Institute of Applied Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 26-27 September 2014

    Jayman, M, Ohl, M. Hughes, B. & Fox, P. (2014) Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: a pilot study of the Pyramid intervention.  Poster presentation at The British Psychological Society Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference 2014.  Milton Keynes.  November 2014 

    Usher, L., Fox, P. & Mitchell, K.  (2014) Illness perceptions in irritable bowel syndrome: Change over time and relationship with self-reported quality of life.  Poster presentation:  BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, York.   September 2014

    Lafarge C., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2013) Perinatal grief following pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: The impact of coping strategies. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference. September 2013, Brighton 

    Talsania, K., Lafarge C., Townshend, J. & Fox, P. (2013)  Living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease: A qualitative analysis. Poster presentation. British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Conference, September 2013, Brighton

    Ohl, M., Fox, P., Hughes, B. & Mitchell, K. (2013).  Exploring the community psychology and higher education nexus: Symposium at 9th European Congress of Community Psychology.  Naples.  November 2013  

    Lafarge, C., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2013) Perinatal grief following pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: The impact of coping strategies. Poster presentation at the European Health Psychology Society Conference. Bordeaux. July 2013

    Usher, L., Fox, P., & Mitchell, K. (2013) Illness perceptions in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Change over time and association with quality of life. Presentation at the European Health Psychology Society Conference. Bordeaux. July 2013

    Lafarge C., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2012) Women’s experience of coping with pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality. Society of Reproductive and Infant Psychology Conference, Oxford.

    Lafarge, C., Mitchell, K.  & Fox, P. (2012) Women’s experiences of pregnancy termination due to fetal abnormality: a systematic review of qualitative studies. Poster presentation at the British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Conference. University of Liverpool. September 2012

    Lafarge C., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2012) Women’s experiences of pregnancy termination due to fetal abnormality: a systematic review of qualitative studies. Presentation at the European Health Psychology Society Conference. Prague. August 2012

    Lafarge C., Mitchell, K. & Fox, P. (2012) Pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: a qualitative analysis of women’s coping processes.  Poster presentation at the European Health Psychology Society Conference. Prague. August 2012

    Usher, L., Fox, P. & Mitchell, K. (2012) Applying the common-sense model to Irritable Bowel Syndrome: the role of illness and treatment representations. Presentation at the European Health Psychology Society Conference. Prague. August 2012

  • Research degree supervision

    Principal Supervisor

    Evaluating the impact of Pyramid club interventions on the emotional health and educational outcomes of pupils in early secondary education. (Michelle Jayman) - awarded 2017

    The impact of sleep on learning and memory: The role of sleep in cognitive and emotional brain processes and affective learning: PhD by published work. (Ninad Gujar) - awarded 2015

    Secondary Supervisor

    Material objects and olfactory stimuli: developing a multi-sensory stimulation intervention for people with dementia living in care homes (Federica D’Andrea) - awarded 2022 

    Older women living alone in the United Kingdom: a mixed methods study exploring health and wellbeing (Catherine Forward) - awarded 2021

    Pregnancy termination due to fetal abnormality: Women’s coping strategies and their impact on psychological adjustment. (Caroline Lafarge) - awarded 2015

    Illness perceptions and treatment beliefs in the repeated use of complementary and alternative medicine. (Lee Usher) - awarded 2011

    The effect of attending a school-based primary intervention on children identified at risk of low self-esteem: an evaluation. (Maddie Ohl) - awarded 2009