Xenia Kyriakou

Dr Xenia Kyriakou

Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science
Forensic Anthropologist and Forensic Archaeologist
School of Human and Social Sciences

Xenia Paula Kyriakou joined the University of West London in 2024 as a Senior Lecturer in Forensic Sciences. As a scholar-practitioner, Xenia specialises in Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Archaeology and has an interest in Bioarchaeology, Palaeopathology and Epidemiology.

Xenia is active in applied Humanitarian Forensics, particularly in settings of conflict and post-conflict zones, aiding in the resolution of gross human rights violations. Her research focuses on the search and recovery of clandestine graves, de-commingling processes and the development of population-specific methods for human identification.

Outside of academia, Xenia serves as a consultant for police agencies worldwide assisting in criminal cases and cold case investigations.

  • Qualifications

    • BA (Hons)
    • MA
    • PhD
  • Memberships

    American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)
    American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA)
    Paleopathology Association (PPA)


  • Research and publications

    2022 S.D. Haines, S. Hackner, P. McCheyne, M. Alexander, Kyriakou, X. Two cases of Concha Bullosa in a contemporary Cypriot skeletal collection. Bioarchaeology of the Near East: 16: 51 – 67.

    2016 E.F. Kranioti, J.G. García-Donas, P.S. Almeida Prado, Kyriakou, X., & H. Langstaff, 2016. Sexual dimorphism of the tibia in contemporary Greek-Cypriots and Cretans: forensic applications. Forensic Science
    International (271): 129-e1.

    2015 P.S. Almeida Prado, Garcia-Donas J.G., Langstaff H., Cunha E., Kyriakou X.., Kranioti E.F., 2015. Os-bipartite parietal: the first cases reported in Cyprus. Homo 67(4), 261-272.

  • Conferences

    2023 X. Kyriakou, P. Van der Burgt, N. Passalacqua: Professionalization and Operationalization of Forensic Archaeology in Europe. [Podium presentation]. 11th European Meeting for Forensic Anthropology (EMFA).

    2023 S. Cohen, X. Kyriakou: Landscape profiling in forensic archaeology: a North American CRM paradigm [Podium presentation]. 11th European Meeting for Forensic Anthropology (EMFA).

    2023 H. Hill, D. Fether, H. Carson, A. Williams, X. Kyriakou: The Effect of Multiple Interments on Soil pH and Decomposition in Two Cemeteries in Cyprus: Implications for Future Cemetery Use [Poster presentation]. 75th Anniversary/Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS).

    2023 A.C. Davis, H.B. Carson, H. Hill, M. Given, X. Kyriakou: Transitioning societies: Post-earthquake Kourion (KAGC) - Human behavior and health after a mass disaster [Poster presentation]. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA).

    2023 D. Fether, X. Kyriakou, R. Herr, M.Given: “Death without a cause": Reconstructing children's morbidity and mortality patterns from the Graeco-Roman site of Kourion [Podium Symposium presentation]. 50th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA).

    2023 S.E. Blessing, N. Heap, D. Fether, A. La Valley, M. Given, X. Kyriakou: Bioarchaeology of Disaster Beyond Death: Resilience and Survivability in the post-earthquake Graeco-Roman site of Kourion in
    Cyprus [Poster presentation]. 50th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA).

    2022 S. Cohen, X. Kyriakou, J. Gomez, E.F. Kranioti: The Correlation between Sex and Ancestry in Greek Cypriots and Cretans using the Humerus [Poster presentation]. 91st Annual Meeting of the American
    Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA, former AAPA).

    2022 X. Kyriakou & M. Leroi: Radiographic and Osteological Evidence of Metastatic Cancer in Modern Greek Cypriots (21st century): Insights for Paleoncology [Poster presentation]. 49th Annual Meeting of
    the Paleopathology Association (PPA).

  • Research degree supervision

    Doctoral students

    2024 - 2028: Zack Kurschner (recipient of the Vice Chancellor Scholarship)

    PhD research title: Evaluation of the Efficacy of Clandestine Grave Detection Techniques: An Interdisciplinary Approach Utilizing Forensic Physical and Chemical Properties of Decomposition. Towards a Best Practice Protocol for Forensic Archaeology