
One of the best things about studying at UWL is the diverse body of students that make up our community. What we gain from one another can shape our knowledge, university life, and our career path. 

All staff and students work together to create a community where diversity is recognised, valued, and celebrated. We ask that you bring your individual experience and unique perspective, whilst also being able to listen and understand other people’s opinions. 

You can be part of a community that empowers and supports each other. By treating your peers with courtesy and consideration, you can positively contribute to someone else’s experience. Being able to respect one another’s differences creates an inclusive and fun environment to live and study in. 

Main body

We want to continue to create an inclusive environment, therefore, here are our top 10 ways to show respect to one another: 

  1. Be kind and courteous 
  2. Be polite, avoid interrupting or causing disturbances 
  3. Listen to others and respect differences in beliefs and opinions 
  4. Think before you speak, your language and tone 
  5. Lend a helping hand or ear and practice compassion 
  6. Avoid gossip and any conversations that may be considered discriminatory or bullying. 
  7. Respect personal space and personal property 
  8. Understand everyone has their own experiences and beliefs 
  9. Speak up if others around you are being disrespectful 
  10. Be willing to evolve and admit mistakes 

All students and staff have the right to live, study, work and relax in an environment where they feel safe. If you ever feel unsafe, victimised, harassed, or bullied, please reach out to our support team in the Student Hub. We have a fantastic new report and support process, which allows you to anonymously submit any situation that arises.  

We take a strong position when handling any situations that are harmful or offensive; we will be sending more guidance and support as your course begins in October. To understand our expectations of student and staff behaviour, please take the time to read our Student Code of Conduct.