
But it’s only banter…?"

It’s important to understand when banter turns into bullying and why certain people may react differently to your comments. Words can have different meanings to different people.  

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When does banter become bullying or harassment?

Banter is defined as a playful and friendly exchange of remarks, which can be fine, so long as it does not include someone being singled out and laughed at (at their expense). Banter can very quickly become bullying when it:

  • is intended to insult and humiliate the other person
  • becomes regular and persistent
  • after they have asked someone to stop and it continues.

What is bullying?

Bullying is behaviour that undermines the integrity and confidence of a person or a group of people, causing them to feel vulnerable, humiliated, degraded, offended or frightened. Bullying can take many forms including:

  • excluding someone out on purpose
  • spreading rumours or humiliating someone
  • online and in-person
  • derogatory remarks
  • violating and degrading the person
  • inappropriate sexual comments and sexual misconduct
  • physically hurting another person, such as kicking, pushing, spitting and punching.