
At the School of Computing and Engineering, we offer a wide range of industry-focused, innovative courses designed to give you an edge in your career.

We continuously adapt our curriculum to ensure our graduates have the most sought-after skills.

  • We are the top modern university* in the UK for civil engineering in the Guardian University Guide 2024.
  • We are the top modern university* in London for construction, surveying & planning in the Guardian University Guide 2024.

Our BSc (Hons) degrees in Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Applied Sound Engineering courses have received accreditation from the prestigious Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Welcome video


Hear from Professor Phil Cox, Head of the School of Computing and Engineering, on why UWL is a great choice for your future. 

Our research


Ground penetrating radar being used with a cross section of tree in a lab

The School of Computing and Engineering is highly engaged in research, including through The Faringdon Research Centre for Non-Destructive Testing and Remote Sensing, the Criminology and Cyber Security Centre and other active research groups.

We are always looking for talented, qualified research students across a broad range of subject areas. 

PhD opportunities in the School of Computing and Engineering

Our courses and facilities

Our courses and facilities

Explore our range of computing and engineering courses by subject and discover our fantastic facilities, which comprise seven labs and studios. These include:

  • the concrete testing lab
  • the soil and geotechnics lab
  • two electronics labs
  • an architecture studio
  • dedicated computing labs.

Degree apprenticeships

Degree apprenticeships in computing and engineering

As a major provider of higher and degree apprenticeship training, we work with a wide range of businesses and other employers to help you fill your skills gaps and develop the workforce you need in the long-term.

Discover our range of apprenticeships at the University of West London.

Fergal Collins, UWL apprentice in civil engineering

Our staff


School management

Phlip Cox has short dark brown hair, and facial hair. He has a black suit on with a green striped shirt underneath.

Professor Philip Cox

  • Head of School of Computing and Engineering
Anastasia Sofroniou

Dr Anastasia Sofroniou

  • Lead for Professional Engagement
  • Associate Professor in Mathematics
Fehmida is wearing a burgundy shirt with a wide colar. She has dark red lipstick on and has long dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Fehmida Mohamedali

  • Lead for Teaching and Quality
  • Senior Lecturer in Information Technology
Konstantin Nikolic

Professor Konstantin Nikolic

  • Lead for Research and Knowledge Exchange
  • Professor in Computer Science – AI, Machine Learning and Data Management

School staff

Working with industry

Working with industry

Our close links with industry help to ensure our courses are designed for real-world application.

  • Our partners

    Our  proximity to the M4 Corridor - sometimes described as England's 'Silicon Valley' - helps us maintain active collaboration with large public and private organisations.

    Our aim is to enhance research, knowledge transfer, consultancy and training, nationally and internationally.

    We manage knowledge transfer projects with ARC Technology Ltd and previously Siemens.

    Our researchers have been involved with the definition of Unified Modelling Language (UML) and the development of commercial modelling tools used by international banks and aerospace companies.

    Previous collaborative partners our staff have worked with include:

    • Siemens
    • British Aerospace
    • IBM.

    Our research projects have been funded by bodies such as the EU’s Asia ITC programme, the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research council (EPSRC), the UK’s Joint Information Systems committee (JISC) and the Technology Strategy Board (TSB).

    In externally funded research projects we work in collaboration with prestigious universities across the world, including:

    • University of Nairobi
    • University of Uppsala (Sweden)
    • University of Limerick (Ireland)
    • Dalian Maritime University (China)
    • Indian Institute of Technology (India).

    We also work with the British Computer Society, and on projects with the Computer Society of India and China’s Software and Integrated Circuit Platform (CSIP).

  • Industry Consultative Committees

    The School of Computing and Engineering operates four industry consultative committees (ICCs) as links between the School and industry practitioners to: 

    1. Keep industrial partners informed about the structure and content of the courses
    2. Review feedback from external examiners and student surveys
    3. Inform partners of the department’s reporting within the University’s quality management system
    4. Discuss and receive feedback about current industry best practice
    5. Review the module course and module content and agree and take forward suggestions for future modifications

    The ICC for Built Environment and ICC for Civil Engineering were created in 2009, and was followed by the ICC for Computing in 2015 and the ICC for Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Sound Engineering in 2017.

    ICC members for Built Environment:
    • Lord John Lytton – Lawrence Foote and Partners (Chair)
    • James Banks – Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists
    • Adrian Bell – Faithful + Gould
    • Lydia Bocko – London CIOB
    • James Chell – Bugler Group
    • Daniel Dean – WT Partnership
    • Andrew Ellingworth – Ridge and Partners LLP
    • Paul Hannent – Hannent Chartered Surveyors
    • Niall Healy – Healy Cornelius
    • Justin Kelly – BPTW Architecture
    • Andrew Ohl – Andrew Ohl Associates
    • Jean-Pierre Panchaud – Stanley Strong
    • Paul Phillips – Anstey Horne
    • Oliver Roworth – Byrne Looby
    • Jeremy Ruff – Real PM
    • Paul Turpin – Peter Taylor Associates Limited
    • Michael White – White and Lloyd
    ​ ICC members for Civil Engineering:
    • Gordon Harris – Campbell Reith Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers (Chair)
    • Patricia Guerra – Geosynthetics Ltd
    • Michael Hesnan – Cleshar
    • Anurag Kushwaha – Atkins Global
    • Siu Fa Ng – Environment Agency
    • Ossian Olsen – Heathrow
    • Stuart Pledge – Mason Navarro Pledge Ltd
    • Antonia Pilpilidou – Tony Gee and Partners
    • Theodore Tai – ClarkeBond
    • John Vears – IStructE Thames Valley Branch
    ICC members for Computing:
    • Paul Hendrick – Yugabite (Chair)
    • Chris Batten – RANT Community
    • Betty Bonnardel – AB5 Consulting
    • Shrikant Chepe – Amway
    • Souleymane Boun Daouda – Ministry of Justice, Digital Service
    • Robin Gissing – SSE Renewables
    • Nick Ioannou – Head of IT at Ratcliffe Groves Partnership
    • Kashif Iqbal – SEGA
    • Alex Mortimer – ISC2
    • Christina Li – Infinite Interactive Ltd
    • Lingbo Li – TurinTech
    • Gueorgui Mihaylov – Haleon
    • Rafael Narezzi – Lombard Street Research
    • Simon Ordish – Masagi Ltd
    • Mayra Pedroza – SAS
    • Mitchell Stirling - Heathrow
    • Stuart Wright – SEGA
    ICC members for Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Sound Engineering:
    • Professor Malcolm Toft – Malcolm Toft Audio
    • Mohamed Awad – SeeCubic Ltd
    • Armelle Boisset – Ofcom
    • Betty Bonnardel – AB5 Consulting
    • Graham Boswell – Spectral Measurement
    • Phil McCluskey – Rohde & Schwarz
    • Kyriakos Papanagiotou – KP Acoustics
    • Narendra Parmar – Feedback / LD Didactic
    • Laurence Hobden – Meridian Audio
    • Russell Richardson – RBA Acoustics
    • Ilias Siomadis – bf1 Systems
    • Vasilis Tsiakoumis – Infoblox
    • Darren Webster – Shotoku Broadcast Systems

WInSTEM: Promoting women and girls in STEM

WInSTEM: Promoting women and girls in STEM

WInSTEM is a group of academics in the School of Computing and Engineering at UWL.

We have a passion for encouraging women and girls to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and particularly our own specialist areas of engineering and technology.

We visit schools and colleges in our region to spread the word to female students about the exciting, dynamic areas within STEM.

If you’d like to arrange a visit, email


WInSTEM is a group of academics with a passion for encouraging women and girls to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Members of the University of West London's School of Computing and Engineering attend a guest lecture

WInSTEM student stories

Livia Lantini, PhD Student at the Faringdon Research Centre

Livia Lantini, PhD student at UWL

Livia's research focuses on assessing the health of trees and investigating their roots using non-destructive techniques.

Mickey, BSc (Hons) Creative Computing graduate

Mickey, computing graduate at UWL

Hear from Mickey about
what she enjoyed about her
computing degree
and her plans for the future.

Maria, PhD Engineering student

Maria portrait image

Hear from Maria, a visiting researcher from Finland, who was spending time at UWL as part of her PhD project in chemical engineering.

Mina, Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate

Mina screenshot

Learn about Mina's background,
why she chose engineering and
why she wants to inspire
other women to do the same.

Contact us

Contact us

To get in touch with our school, please contact Laura Ulvee:

To contact us about applying for a course, please get in touch with our Admissions team:

  • 0800 036 8888 and select option 2 - free for land line and mobile users
  • +44 (0) 20 8231 2468 for callers from outside the UK.


* Modern universities are defined as higher education institutions that were granted university status in, and subsequent to, 1992. UWL received the rankings listed above when compared to all other modern universities ranked in the guides / surveys cited.