
At UWL, we understand that journalism is more than just reporting the news; it is about capturing the essence of events, uncovering untold stories, and engaging audiences through compelling narratives.

Whether your passion lies in investigative journalism, digital media, broadcast reporting, or magazine writing, our journalism courses provide a solid foundation while allowing you to specialise in your areas of interest.

You’ll have opportunities to use industry-standard facilities, gain significant practical experience and learn from our team of experienced lecturers.

Take a look at each journalism degree below to find out about their entry requirements and career opportunities.

Ipad mobile phone laptop showing news

Journalism undergraduate courses


  • Why study a journalism degree at the University of West London?

    Blast Radio Studio

    As a student on one of our journalism courses, you will have access to our professionally equipped studios where you can develop your skills in photojournalism, video production, radio journalism and podcasting.

    Workshops in our Mac labs will help you to develop your skills within the context of new media. We have connections with major media organisations such as the BBC, Sky, Capital Radio, Global Radio, the Independent and The Sunday Times.

    You will benefit from our links to industry in various ways – all our courses have been developed in partnership with the businesses with which we work to ensure you gain the skills needed by industry.

  • What do I need to study journalism?

    Two students walking through Heartspace at the University of West London

    Explore our journalism courses above and browse to ‘Entry requirements’ to see the qualifications and/or experience you’ll need to apply. If you do not have the grades or subjects to enter directly, you might be interested in our foundation-year degrees. These four year programmes include an extra year to prepare you for undergraduate level work.

    Find out more about our:

  • What can I do with a journalism degree?

    A video camera set up for a publicity event

    Becoming a journalist is just one path open to you once you have successfully completed your journalism degree. Related roles include working as an editorial assistant, proofreader or content manager. Graduates also go on to work as writers or in research, copywriting or public relations.

    As a student at the University of West London, you will have lifelong support from our careers service.

Where this course can take you

Journalists wait to ask questions

Job roles

Once you complete your journalism degree there are many journalism jobs you could take, including:

  • media officer
  • online reporter
  • multimedia journalist
  • communications officer
  • editor or brand editor
  • copywriter
  • researcher
  • production assistant
  • technical operator.

You may also find career prospects open to you within the following fields:

  • news
  • lifestyle print
  • online or broadcast journalism
  • TV and radio
  • policy forming organisations.

Additionally, you may decide to specialise in a related area or explore a new subject. Please see our postgraduate courses for a range of options.


A college of student work.

Find out more about the work our students produce and view some of their recent work by visiting our Film, Media and Communication ARTSFEST page.