
Determined she wanted to improve care for new mothers at the age of just 14, a University of West London midwife has been named as the first graduate award winner of the year. 

Inspired to enter the profession when her brother was stillborn and she saw first-hand the poor care her mother received, Melissa Newman knew she wanted to dedicate her career to making a difference. 

Ignoring those who said she couldn’t make it, she began training at UWL’s College of Nursing, Midwifery, and Healthcare – graduating with a first-class honours degree in midwifery and going on to write articles and share her ideas on practice and care.  

Now carving out a career in clinical research alongside her work in the NHS, Melissa is striving to prevent trauma for mothers, focusing on women's experiences when they most need support – and has even set up an Instagram account to educate and encourage others interested in the profession. 


My brother was stillborn and my mother was treated appallingly. By the age of 14 I had decided I wanted to become a midwife to ensure that no other women were treated that way. 

Teachers always told me I was too shy and that I needed to improve my skills as I struggled with maths, but now I’m looking at a future in research one of my favourite pastimes is statistical epidemiology. I am proud I’ve come out of my shell and am able to do these things."

Melissa has now been named as the first winner of the Recent Graduate Award, given out by UWL’s Office of Development and Alumni Relations in recognition of all she’s achieved. 

As well as focusing on studying for her PhD, she volunteers with the ambulance service and is waiting to be deployed into the Covid vaccination programme alongside her role working in the NHS during the pandemic. 

Speaking about the challenges in her role – and of her award- she said:

This year has been very challenging for me and my colleagues in the NHS. You have to just cling on and remember why you started.  

I was stunned to hear I had won this award especially after I saw how many other amazing people had been nominated. I just feel very grateful, and honoured.” 

Looking back on her time at UWL, Melissa said with such fantastic facilities for training and so many friendly and enthusiastic students, she always knew it was the best place to start her journey and make the most of the wealth of support on offer. 


Female graduate (Melissa Newman) at wembley football stadium.