The image is of a pale pink post-it note which says the words 'you can' on it. the post-it is attatched to a white piece of string with a bulldog clip, infront of a pink background.
The image is of a pale pink post-it note which says the words 'you can' on it. the post-it is attatched to a white piece of string with a bulldog clip, infront of a pink background.

Preparing for your assignment submissions and exams


As you are preparing to submit your assignments for the semester and getting ready to take your exams, here are some tips to help you along the way:

Tackling your assignments 

  • Integrate previous feedback – take the comments and feedback that you received on your previous assignments and see how you can implement them in your work. Acknowledge what your weakness are so you work on and improve on them but also recognise what your strengths are so you can continue to demonstrate them in your work. 

  • Understand your task – Get off to a good start by spending time understanding what you have been asked to do. Break down any assignment guidelines that you have been given and use it as a checklist to ensure you have covered everything that has been asked of you. You can also attend one of our Study Skills Workshops to help you get a better understanding of how to approach different assignments. 

  • Plan your approach – be systematic in how you are tackling your assignments. Rather than jumping straight into it, spend some time breaking down your word count and considering all the points and relevant research you are going to include in your work. A detailed, structured plan will make your writing process easier.  

  • Seek Support – Speak with you module tutors if you are unsure of what you have to do for your assignment or book an appointment with the Study Support Team to check if you are heading in the right direction with your work.   

  • Edit and proofread your work – dedicate some time to go over all that you have written before you submit. Check that what you have written makes sense and has address your assignment brief correctly. You can find some more tips on our page for editing and proofreading.

Preparing for your exams 

  • Distinguish between learning and revising – As revision is focused on covering what you already know, if there are some topics that you have yet to learn or understand, make sure you factor extra time into your revision schedule to go over them.  

  • Revise strategically – Target your revision sessions around the time of day and environment when you are most productive. Plan what you want to cover within these revision sessions but make sure you are being realistic in what is feasible to achieve within the time you have.  

  • Revise actively – Whether you are taking notes on cue cards or attempting practice questions, try and be more active in your revision. Active revision is more effective in helping you to remember and process the information you may be reading. 

You can find further guidance on our preparing for your exams page.

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