Policy information

Last reviewed: June 2024



The Apprenticeships and FE Committee will ensure that the University has an oversight of strategic and student issues relating to:

  • Apprenticeships
  • FE provision
  • External Assessment Provision (LCM Exams and the UWL End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO))
  • Junior Colleges.

Purpose and remit

  • To oversee strategic issues, data and funding, student support matters and the student experience for degree and higher apprenticeships, FE provision, external assessment provision provided through Ruskin College, LCMe and UWL EPAO and the junior colleges;
  • To receive annual reports on the above provision including student data, funding and teaching and learning;
  • To review quality assurance arrangements for apprenticeships and FE;
  • To ensure compliance with external regulatory body audit and reporting requirements, by maintaining oversight of audit and reporting cycles, reviewing and approving submissions to those bodies where required and confirming and overseeing appropriate actions and lines of responsibility and accountability to achieve this;
  • To receive reports from the Apprenticeships Continuous Quality Improvement Group and the Degree Apprenticeships Operations Committee;
  • To report to Academic Board and the Board of Governors.

Membership - current incumbents


  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business Development) (Chair) - Dr Suresh Gamlath
  • Co-opted Member (External) - Andrew Dakers
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) - Sara Raybould
  • Head of Strategic Planning - Ross Purdy
  • Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs and Safeguarding Lead) - Tracy McAuliffe
  • University Secretary and Registrar, Prevent Lead - Joshua Heming
  • Dean of Academic Partnerships (UK) and Director of Research and Enterprise Operations) - Matt Snowden
  • Director of Apprenticeships - Janet Rowson
  • Head of Apprenticeships Funding & Data - Peter Sarner-Taylor
  • President, Students’ Union - Maisie Webb
  • Head, Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) / Nominee - Dr Jessica Frye / Kate Hellman
  • Head of Study Support - Alison Griffin
  • Functional Skills Lead - Francis Gahan
School/College representatives
  • Claude Littner Business School - Chandra Bhasham
  • College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare - Fiona Edwards
  • Institute of Policing Studies - Adrian Ellison, Andrew Rose, Vasileios Lepidas
  • London Geller College of Hospitality and Tourism - Louise Gill
  • School of Computing and Engineering - Dr Malte Ressin
  • School of Medicine and Biosciences - Alicia Elhigazi
  • Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) - Dr Jessica Frye
Ruskin College representatives
  • Curriculum Lead (Adult Learning) - Alison Curry

External Assessment Provision Representatives

  • Director of London College of Music Examinations - Ben Norbury

In attendance

  • Chief Executive / Head of Membership, Students’ Union - Tye McMahon, Jamal El-Kalawy
  • Head of Academic Administration - Paul Dawson
  • Apprenticeship Officer (EPA) - Sunjay Pal


50% plus one of appointed (i.e. ex-officio and elected) members excluding vacancies. Where division of the total number of appointed members by two – plus one - results in a fraction, quorum is to be met by rounding-up the fraction to the nearest whole number.

Where a committee member fulfils more than one role within a particular committee, they are only counted once for the purposes of quorum.

Where a meeting is not quorate, it can proceed, and the agenda items can be discussed and recommendations can be made on these, which are then to be put to the whole committee, either in writing afterwards or at a following meeting. Any decisions/approvals would have to be ratified at the next quorate meeting or approved by Chair’s action if it is urgent.  

Supporting information

Reporting lines

Minutes of the Board are considered by the Academic Board and the Further Education Board.

Effectiveness & lifespan


Actions that may be taken by the Board:
  • Monitor
  • Note
  • Receive
  • Recommend
  • Consider
  • Support
  • Reject
Most appropriate minuting style

Traditional/formal minutes.

  • Secretary - University Secretary
  • Clerk - Committee Secretary
  • Meetings - Three per year (one per term)