Policy information

Last reviewed: February 2024

Terms of reference, composition and membership


The FE Board will:

  • ensure strategic oversight of the University’s Apprenticeship and FE provision
  • act as the Trustees of Ruskin College

Purpose and remit

Part 1: To advise the Board of Governors on:

1.1 To oversee the Apprenticeship strategy and performance

1.2 To review the Quality and Improvement Plan for the University’s Provision;

1.3 To maintain oversight of the University’s Self Assessment Report.

Part 2: Acting as the Trustee Board of Ruskin College (in accordance with the Articles of Association of Ruskin College)

2.1 To determine and keep under review the educational character and mission of the institution and the oversight of its activities;

2.2 To publishing arrangements for obtaining the views of staff and students on the matters set out in 2.1 above;

2.3 To ensure effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the College and the safeguarding of the College’s assets;

2.4 To ensure that there are in place policies and procedures for the governance and conduct of the College, for dealing with staff performance, discipline, dismissal and grievance, and for dealing with student disciplines, complaints and academic appeals;

2.5 To maintain oversight of the conduct of the affairs of the College.

Current incumbents

Members – no more than nine members comprising:

  • Six members of the FE Board appointed by the University (independent members):
    • Helena Peacock (in the Chair)
    • Jonathan Lawrence
    • Professor Anthony Woodman
    • Matt Snowden
    • James Edmunds
    • Stuart Wright
  • The Principal of the College ex-officio:
    • Professor Peter John CBE
  • One staff member of the College:
    • Marion Fitzgibbon
  • One student of the College:
    • Vacant
In attendance
  • The University Secretary       
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Committee Secretary

Term of office

Independent members are appointed for a term of up to four years and may be re-appointed for a up to two terms

Staff of the college are appoint for a term of up to four years

Students of the college are appointed for a term of one year and may serve up to two terms


At least six members, the majority of whom must be independent members

Reporting lines

Minutes of the Board are considered by the Board of Governors.

Effectiveness & lifespan


Actions that may be taken by the Board:

  • Monitor
  • Recommend
  • Note
  • Consider
  • Receive
  • Support
  • Reject 

Most appropriate minuting style

Traditional / formal minutes.


Secretary - University Secretary

Clerk - Committee Secretary

Meetings - Three/four per year (one per term)