Policy information

  • Last reviewed: September 2023

Terms of reference, composition and membership


1.1 To consider nominations for the award of an Honorary Degree, Honorary Professorship or other Honorary Award on a personal basis.

1.2 To advise the Academic Board on matters relating to Honorary Awards.

Composition and membership

At least two Independent Governors and four ex-officio members

  • Professor Peter John CBE (Vice-Chancellor & President) (Chair)
  • Professor Anthony Woodman (Provost & Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor)
  • Ms Kerry O'Callaghan (Independent Governor)
  • Vacant (Independent Governor)
  • Mr Joshua Heming (University Secretary)
  • Ms Nicola Conway (Head of Development and Alumni)
  • Ms Maisie Kelly (UWLSU President)
  • Heads of Schools as required

Quorum is three members which must include one Independent Governor and the Vice-Chancellor/Deputy Vice-Chancellor.


The Committee meets twice a year.