Policy Information

  • Last reviewed: Academic year 2020/2021

University research, scholarship & enterprise committee


The purpose of the Committee, acting on behalf of the Academic Board, is to: 

  • oversee the development of the research strategy, knowledge exchange strategy and to monitor their implementation; 
  • monitor, evaluate and enhance research and knowledge exchange activity across the University; 
  • ensure that all research provision conforms to and fully satisfies the standards set by the relevant agencies, and that the resource available is used effectively; 
  • ensure an appropriate research environment for research and postgraduate research students. 


The terms of reference of the Committee are:


1. To develop and monitor research strategy and policies and to advise and make appropriate recommendations to Academic Board.

2. To monitor the development of an appropriate research environment within Schools which encourages research, underpins teaching and learning and supports postgraduate research students. 

3. To monitor the outcomes and impact of research activity and its dissemination.  

4. To have oversight of the preparation of submissions to external assessment of research and postgraduate research activity, such as the Research Excellence Framework. 

5. To approve new research centres and formal research groups and to evaluate their performance.  

6. Through the Research Degrees Sub-Committee to monitor, evaluate and enhance the quality of the postgraduate research supervision and facilities, ensuring that it fully satisfies the standards set by external agencies including the OfS quality and standards conditions. 

7. To receive and consider reports from the University Research Degrees Sub-Committee. 

8. To advise on amendments to the Postgraduate Research Regulations as required. 

9. To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the University’s policies and procedures on research ethics and to receive and consider reports from the University Research Ethics Committee. 

Knowledge exchange and enterprise

10. To monitor the outcomes and impact of knowledge exchange activity, including outcomes of monitoring activities by funding or regulatory bodies. 

11. To have oversight of the preparation of submissions to external assessment of knowledge exchange, such as the Knowledge Exchange Framework and Peer Review of Knowledge Exchange Concordat. 

12. To monitor the use of HEIF monies and the annual return to Research England. 


13. To advise the Academic Board/Vice Chancellor’s Executive regarding infrastructure needs in relation to research and knowledge exchange, particularly in relation to research students. 

14. To monitor the planning and co-ordination of the University’s external income generated by research and/or knowledge exchange including research/enterprise bids. 

15. To consider and respond to issues raised by School Boards. 


Ex-officio members

  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair)  
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business Development) 
  • Director of Research  
  • Director of Library Services  
  • Dean of Academic Partnerships (UK) and Director of Research and Enterprise Operations 

Nominated members

One representative from each School to be appointed in discussion with the Head of School: 

  • Claude Littner Business School  
  • College of Nursing, Midwifery & Healthcare  
  • London College of Music  
  • London Geller College of Hospitality & Tourism  
  • London School of Film, Media & Design  
  • School of Medicine and Biosciences
  • School of Computing & Engineering  
  • School of Human & Social Sciences  
  • School of Law

Three postgraduate research student representatives, elected by the research student body 

Co-option of additional members is possible where appropriate. 

In attendance members

  • Heads of School – as and when required 
  • Head of Content and Scholarly Communication  
  • Chair of the University Research Ethics Committee  
  • Head of Research and Engagement  
  • Head of KE and Business Engagement


50% plus one of appointed (i.e., ex-officio and elected) members excluding vacancies.  Where division of the total number of appointed members by two – plus one - results in a fraction, quorum is to be met by rounding-up the fraction to the nearest whole number. 

Where a committee member fulfils more than one role within a particular committee, they are only counted once for the purposes of quorum. 

Where a meeting is not quorate, it can proceed, and the agenda items can be discussed and recommendations can be made on these, which are then to be put to the whole committee, either in writing afterwards or at a following meeting.  Any decisions/approvals would have to be ratified at the next quorate meeting or approved by Chair’s action if it is urgent.    

Term of office

Nominated members serve a three-year term and may be re-nominated.  Elected student members serve a one-year term and may be re-elected for up to two further terms. 


Nominated members who fail to attend two consecutive meetings will be regarded as having relinquished their membership of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee. 

Delegation and Reporting Lines

Operational aspects of these functions are delegated to the Research Degrees Sub-Committee and the School Boards. 

The Research Degrees Sub-Committee and the University Research Ethics Committee report to the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee. 

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee is a committee of and reports to the Academic Board. 

Background Information 

Groups and Committees feeding into the University Research, Scholarship & Enterprise Committee: 

  • Business Engagement Group 
  • Knowledge Exchange Group 
  • University Research Degrees Sub-Committee 
  • University Research Ethics Committee 

Effectiveness & Lifespan

Lifespan ongoing.

Actions that may be taken by the University Research, Scholarship & Enterprise Committee 

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee may: 

  • Note 
  • Receive 
  • Consider 
  • Request 
  • Reject 
  • Support 
  • Endorse 
  • Recommend 

Most appropriate minuting style

Formal minutes


  • Secretary - University Secretary 
  • Clerk - Graduate School
  • Meetings - Normally three times per year