Policy information

  • Last reviewed: June 2024

Terms of reference, composition and membership


The Workforce Advisory Committee is established to advise the Board of Governors on all strategic issues relating to the workforce of the University. The Committee will support the University in identifying issues relating to the capacity, wellbeing and the engagement of employees; and appropriate strategies for reward, recognition and development of a diverse workforce to underpin progress with the University’s Strategic Plan: Impact 2028. To this end the Committee will also consider issues relating to teaching quality.

Terms of reference

1. To consider, and make recommendations to the Board of Governors as appropriate regarding the University’s People Strategy to ensure workforce development, engagement, reward and retention.

2. To monitor the implementation of the People Strategy and review progress with appropriate key performance, workforce indicators and an overview of work patterns.

3. To consider key Human Resources policies and make recommendations to the Board as appropriate.

4. To consider reports on staff qualifications.

5. To consider reports on the enhancement of teaching quality.

6. To consider, and make recommendations to the Board of Governors regarding the University’s implementation of the public sector Equality Duty

7. To advise the Board of Governors on its statutory obligations in relation to the workforce, including health and safety, Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting, safeguarding and other obligations as required.

Composition and membership

  • An Independent Governor, who shall chair the Committee:
    • Mr Jonathan Lawrence
  • Up to four members of the Board of Governors:
    • Ms Sandra Botterell
    • Ms Tina Coates
    • Dr Christopher McLaverty
  • Up to two co-opted members:
    • Dr Hiba Khan
  • The Vice-Chancellor and President or nominee:
    • Professor Peter John


Quorum is three members which must include at least two Independent Governors and the Vice-Chancellor or nominee. If the Vice-Chancellor is represented by a nominee, the nominee will count in the quorum. The co-opted members will not normally count in the quorum and will have no vote.


The Committee usually meets three times a year.


The Head of the Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT), the Director of Human Resources and the University Secretary are normally expected to be in attendance at meetings. Other officers may be asked to attend when appropriate.

The Committee has the following Committees(s) which report to it:

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group