Intro video

Welcome to study support at the University of West London.

Study Support

We offer study support to all students at UWL. The areas we can support you with include:

If you have any questions or need study support please email: or visit our Study Support hub.

If you are after more general student support on issues such as welfare, money and health advice, please visit the Support for current students page.

Current timetables for workshops

Below is our current timetable for our study skills workshops. To sign onto a workshop, you can just click on the date of the workshop and it will take you to Study Support hub to complete your booking.

Study skills development opportunities for new students

Utilise the summer to develop your study skills and improve your academic writing ahead of starting your course in September. The workshops on offer include:

The sessions will be in-person at the West London campus and repeated online. To book a place, click on date next to the workshop. For more information, please email 

Academic writing and study skills support

Two students studying in the library

One-to-one study support

The Study Support team is available to assist you with your studies. Regardless of the stage you are at, we are here to support you. We can support you by:

  • Answering general academic writing and study skills queries
  • Breaking down and planning your assignment
  • Providing feedback on assignments
  • Helping you understand feedback from your tutors
  • Referring you to useful resources
Four women working together from different ethnic backgrounds.

Study skills workshops

Study skills workshops are designed to build your confidence by developing your academic technique. Our workshops will benefit you if you find aspects of your course difficult, if you have not studied for a while or if you want to take your academic writing to the next level. Some of our workshops include: 

  • Organising your studies 

  • Effective reading and note-taking 

  • Finding and using information 

  • Planning an assignment 

  • Introduction to Being Critical 

  • Writing an essay 

  • Writing a report 

  • Developing and delivering presentations 

  • Improving your academic writing 

  • Editing and proofreading your work 

Study skills workshops run throughout the academic year, delivered both on campus and online and are available to all UWL students. 

English language support

Student writing notes in a lecture theatre with other students sat behind her

English language support

English language support is available for non-native English-speaking students and other students that struggle with aspects of the English Language. Both one-to-one support sessions and workshops are available to help you develop your English. We can support students in the following areas: 

  • Academic Writing 
  • Grammar 
  • Sentence Structure 
  • Language for Paraphrasing and Summarising 
  • Speaking and Pronunciation 
  • Developing your presentation skills 

Please be aware that while it is possible to give feedback on written work, we are unable to proofread work or read full drafts of work.  

Maths and IT skills support

Two people looking at sheet of paper with calculator

We offer maths support to all students. You can explore mathematical challenges you face and get help with any problems you might be having with maths, numeracy and statistics. The maths support offered aims to bridge any gaps in knowledge and cement understanding of mathematical concepts in a friendly and supportive manner. 

IT skills support focuses on helping you build your confidence when using IT at University. If you lack confidence navigating a PC and/or laptop, using word processing programs or browsing the internet, then we can support you.  

Peer Mentoring Service

Two female students talking and making notes

A Peer Mentor is a student who has completed a year of study at the university and can help you gain an insight into what you can expect. A Peer Mentor can:  

  • Help you to navigate your way through similar academic challenges
  • Gain confidence with approaching your essays
  • Help you to develop key skills
  • Give academic top-tips

To find out more please visit The Peer Mentoring Service webpage or contact us on

Writing support from the Royal Literary Fellows

Teacher or industry professional helping a student in front of a computer.

Do you want help with your writing skills? 

UWL has three Royal Literary Fund Fellows – Deborah, Katharine and Nii. They are here to provide all students at whatever level with one-to-one practical help with their writing. 

The service is: 

  • free  

  • confidential 

  • one-to-one

London students can see Katharine or Nii, and Deborah is in Reading. 

Book a session with a Royal Literary Fellow

Each RLF is available on a specific day, or days, of the week. If you would like to book a session, you should email the individual RLF that you would like to see. 

The Royal Literary Fund Fellow services are available during term-time. 

  • Katharine Quarmby (London)

    Katharine Quarmby

    Katharine Quarmby has written non-fiction, short stories and books for children. Her debut novel, The Low Road, based on a true story from her hometown from the 1800s, was published by Unbound in 2023.

    Katharine is also an investigative journalist and editor, with particular interests in disability, the environment, race and ethnicity and the care system. She has worked for over a decade for BBC and other broadcasters and served in a variety of correspondent and associate editor roles for outlets including the Economist, Newsweek Europe and Prospect. She has been production and digital editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and is currently editor at Investigative Reporting Denmark.

    Availability: Katharine is available to London-based students on Mondays and Tuesdays from Monday 2 October.

    For further information, please contact


  • Deborah Walker (Reading)

    Deborah Walker

    Deborah Walker is a former writer for the Rough Guides travel series and the author of three novels. She is a ghost-writer, editor, journalist and Professor of Creative Writing at Northeastern University, London. She also runs Writing for Self-Expression courses for the Royal Literary Fund in Recovery Colleges nationwide, working with people in recovery from mental illness.  

    Availability: Deborah is available on Wednesdays at Reading campus on Wednesdays from Wednesday 20 September.

    For further information, please contact

  • Nii Ayikwei Parkes (London) 

    Nii Ayikwei Photo

    Nii Ayikwei Parkes is a writer, editor, socio-cultural commentator and broadcaster. He has won awards across genres: as a poet, children's writer and novelist. A scientist by training, his skill lies in breaking complex concepts down into compelling, digestible writing. 

    Availability: Nii is available to London-based students on Fridays from Friday 6 October.

    For further information, please contact

  • The Royal Literary Fund fellowship scheme

    The Royal Literary Fund fellowship scheme places professional writers in higher education institutions to offer writing support to students. 

    Nii, Kim and Becca can give you: 

    • a confidential one-to-one tutorial 

    • advice based on your own writing, tailored to your needs and aims 

    • help with planning and structure 

    • time to consider and benefit from feedback 

    • advice on improving clarity and working to a word limit 

    • help in tackling any issues with grammar and punctuation 

    • the opportunity to improve any academic writing – essays, reports, theses, dissertations, book chapters.  

    What we don’t do: 

    • read all of lengthy works 

    • proof-read or edit your work 

    • teach English as a second language 

    • provide specialist support for specific learning disabilities. 

    Appointments last 50 minutes – contact us in advance to book a session. 

Free functional skills maths and English opportunities

A man working on a laptop.

Not having the minimum requirements in Maths and English can be a frustrating barrier to achieving your ambitions. But here’s where we can help.  

Our Functional Skills Level 2 courses in Maths and English give you the equivalent of a grade C /4 at GCSE and can help open doors to new possibilities. We offer free Level 1 courses too if you need to build up to Level 2.  

For more information on how to book onto a course, please visit the Functional Skills Webpage or contact to check if you meet the course eligibility requirements.  

Study skills development resources

The Study Support team have online study guides available to help you develop your study skills. We also have bitesize videos of some of our workshops, available through BlackBoard. To be enrolled in our study support community to view our videos and other study skills resources, please email

Social media

Contact us

Student working on her laptop

If you have any questions or need study support please email

If you are after more general student support on issues such as welfare, money and health advice, please visit the Support for current students webpage or contact Student Services on: