Abimbola Akindele
Abimbola Akindele

Volunteering story - Abimbola Akindele


The Master of Public Health (MPH) student shares some of her experiences of volunteering.

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Volunteering has always been an avenue to make a difference in your little corner of the world. We may not have the power to change the world, but we can make an impact through volunteering. 

The UWL Student Support team sends messages about volunteering opportunities to my Outlook, but I did not get involved until my friend Chibuzor told me he has started volunteering for City Harvest. I decided to sign up as a volunteer for them too. 

At City Harvest, I help in sorting food (donated by different companies, supermarkets, etc.) for re-distribution to charities across London. This role has improved my attention to details, team spirit, finding fun in work and the confidence to give suggestions and my input when the need arises. I can also attribute this confidence to my leadership programme which improved my public speaking skills and boosted my morale with the knowledge that "each one of us is a leader." 

These events have shaped my personal life and my career. It has made sustainability a constant voice in my head and helped me take the leap to volunteer for the Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) NHS Trust where I will be involved in creating an online database highlighting resources available to reduce malnutrition in the community. 

Every one of our Tuesday evening Leadership Programme sessions has prepared me for this moment, from honing my transferable skills to equipping me with the knowledge to always self-introspect, seek feedback and have the courage to put myself out there. Knowing I already was a volunteer made my application to CLCH smoother and I can confidently say I’ll be gaining skills and knowledge that may not be found in the classroom. Now, I am never too shy to contribute or to even disagree in way that fosters progress and team management, and these are all skills we need as a good colleague, friend or leader. I’d encourage other students to always make out time to volunteer. 

Volunteering events and stories

Learn more about volunteering events, stories and opportunities for UWL students.

University of West London student volunteers

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