Using the arts to support inclusion and expression of experience.

We have curated this gallery from our collection of over 100 artworks. These paintings have all been produced by older people who are living with complex mental and physical health needs including dementia.

Main body

Artwork featuring red, yellow and green paint splodges
Artwork featuring red, yellow, green, blue and purple splodges and circular faces
Artwork featuring green, red, blue and yellow patterned brush strokes
Artwork featuring red, yellow, blue and purple splodges and circles
Artwork featuring green and blue paint swirls.
Colourful splatter artwork with purple, yellow, blue and green colours.

Dr Megan Wyatt, who is a practicing painter and academic, delivers a programme of art workshops within a wide range of community and care settings across England and Wales.

Megan is developing a body of research which explores how the arts can be used to support new avenues of engagement, communication, and co-production involving older people and people living with dementia. The particular focus is supporting participants to engage with different mediums as a means of expression. This sharing of experiences facilitates their direct involvement in research.

Megan’s recent workshops explore participants' wishes, experiences, and perspectives of care through art. A key aim has been to use painting to enable the voices of people living with dementia and care partners from a wide range of minority ethnic communities and underserved communities to be heard.

Findings from this programme of work have informed GIAM’s research priorities and have been integrated into our research outputs. Megan is producing a body of research and publications which demonstrates the importance of the arts in supporting communication and inclusion for individuals whose voices may otherwise be unheard.

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