Graham Brooks Photo

Professor Graham Brooks

Professor in Criminology and Anti-Corruption
School of Human and Social Sciences

Prof Graham Brooks specialises in corruption in an international context. Often asked to present at academic and professional conferences Prof Brooks has been plenary speaker at the Cabinet Counter Fraud Conference 2012, Key Note speaker at European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network (EHFCN) 2015, in The Hague and in Athens in 2018.

Prof Brooks was also invited to be part of United Kingdom Cabinet Office Round-Table discussion on anti-corruption in 2016, and workshops run by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) on ‘Measuring the Scale of Money Laundering in the United Kingdom (2018, London) and ‘Anti-Money Laundering (AML) responses in online businesses (London, 2019).

Prof Brooks has also been Assistant Director Centre for Counter Fraud and Corruption whilst working at the University of Portsmouth and Secretariat of Counter Fraud Accreditation Board, and a Community Safety Officer in his career so far, and is currently a member of the Group of Experts for EHFCN.

Prof Brooks has secured funds from public and private sector and recognised international research bodies to research an array of criminal justice issues and published numerous books and papers in international journals with colleagues in the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Cyprus and Dubai.

Prof Brooks has recently published Criminal Justice and Corruption: State Power, Privatization and Legitimacy (Palgrave) in 2019.

Prof Brooks is currently co-investigator on a United Kingdom-Japan connections call (2019/2020) ‘Towards the development of a framework for the interviewing of vulnerable people by the police in Japan’ funded by the ESRC.

  • Qualifications

    PhD: Corruption: Measurement, Strategies and Policing (University of Portsmouth. Business and Law School)
    Postgraduate Certificate in Social Science Research Methods (Nottingham Trent University, Faculty of Social Science)
    MPhil in Criminology (University of Cambridge, Institute of Criminology) 
    Social Policy and Administration BA (Hons) (Leeds Polytechnic, Faculty of Social Sciences)  

  • Memberships

    Institute of Teaching and Learning HE (Member)
    Higher Education Academy (Fellow)
    European Society of Criminology
    Marie Curie Alumni Association
    European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network (Member of Group of Experts)
    Professoriate University Ethics Committee
    University of West London
    Criminology Representative)
  • Research and publications


    Roycroft, M., Rose, A and Brooks, G, (2023) Public Order Short Course run for the South Korean National Policing Agency at UWL October 2023 (£19,500).

    Brooks, G. and Stiernstedt, P. (2023) Survey of Fraud, Abuse, Waste, Error (FAWE) Data in Health care Sector International Federation of Healthcare Providers (IFHP) (Funds withheld for commercial reasons)

    Brooks, G. and Stiernstedt, P (2021) Using works of art/images as a method of teaching criminology/criminal justice (GB Sasakawa Foundation £3200)

    Stiernstedt , P (Course Lead) Brooks, G (Lead Instructor), Button, M. (Expert Consultant) and Martynov, I (Legal Researcher) (2021) FAWE (Fraud, Abuse, Waste Error) Skills Development Course with International Federation of Healthcare Providers (Funds withheld for commercial reasons)

    Brooks, G. (Co-Investigator) (2019) Project title: ‘Towards the development of a framework for the interviewing of vulnerable people by the police in Japan’ (ERSC UK-Japan SSH Connections Call £47, 146).

    Brooks, G. and Stiernstedt, P. (2019) Survey of Fraud Prevention Data in Healthcare Sector (International Federation of Healthcare Providers (IFHP) £11,500

    Brooks, G., Ellis, T. & Kyo, A. (2017) Criminal Compensation: The Cost of Victimisation (Daiwa Foundation) (£7,000)

    Brooks, G. and Leukfeldt, R. (2017) Policing Traditional Organised Crime and the Internet: The changing organization of illegal gambling networks (Individual Fellowship Marie Curie 146,575 Euros)

    Button, M. and Brooks, G. (2011/2013) Measuring Fraud in Overseas Aid for Dept. of International Development (£24,100)

    Button, M., Lewis, C., Brooks, G. and Aleem, A. (2011/2013) Evaluation of ‘crash for cash’ insurance scams (Acromas £23,000)

    Hayden, C., Ellis, T., Jenkins, C. and Brooks, G., (2011/2013) Evaluation of Wessex young offenders resettlement project (£50,000)

    Brooks, G. (2008) Research into Pachinko and Japanese Gambling (GB Sasakowa Foundation £2,500)


    Brooks, G (2024). Healthcare Corruption: Causes, Costs, Consequences and Criminal Justice. Palgrave.

    Brooks, G. (2018) Criminal Justice and Corruption: State Power, Privatization and Legitimacy. Palgrave

    Brooks, G. (2016) Criminology of Corruption: Theoretical Approaches. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

    Brooks, G., Lewis, C., Walsh, D. and Kim, H. (2013) The Prevention of Corruption: Investigation, Enforcement and Governance Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

    Brooks, G., Button, M. and Azeem, A. (2013) Fraud, Corruption and Sport. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

    Book chapters

    Brooks, G. & Lavorgna, A (2018) Lost Eden: the corruption of sport in L.A. Kihl (ed), Corruption in Sport, Causes, Consequences and Reform (pp. 79-90). Abingdon, Routledge

    Brooks, G, Tunley, M, Button, M & Gee, J. (2017) Fraud, error and corruption in healthcare: A contribution from criminology, in European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network (ed) in Healthcare Fraud, Corruption and Waste in Europe (pp.25-44). New York: Springer Publishing

    Brooks, G (2017) Country Report: Fraud, Corruption and Waste in Health Sector in EU in European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network (ed) in Healthcare Fraud, Corruption and Waste in Europe (pp 137-153). New York: Springer Publishing

    Brooks, G. (2014) Crime in the Boardroom: Extending the Focus beyond Football Fans in M. Hopkins and J. Treadwell (ed) 'Football Hooliganism, Crime and Crowd Management: Contemporary perspectives' pp 106-126. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan:

    Brooks, G. (2002) National Standards and the Probation Service: The Regulation of 'Professionals' in the Community, in Smith, R. (Ed) Crime in the Professions pp.211-225. Aldershot: Ashgate

    Peer reviewed journal articles

    Walsh, D. Brooks, G., Naka, M., Oxburgh, G., and Kyo, A (2023) Forensic interviews conducted with autistic adults in Japan: A review of the literature and directions for future research. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. (published online 26 April 2023 at 1–19, 

    Kyo, A., Kurosawa, M., Brooks, G., and Ellis, T., (2022) The cost of victimization : A comparative analysis of the Japanese crime damage benefit scheme with the English Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority Claims Scheme (CICA) [1] , The Journal of Law & Politics Vol. 72 No.4, pp.69-80. (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS IN JAPANESE ONLY. ANSTRACT IN ENGLISH AT END OF THE PAPER) 

    Brooks, G. and Stiernstedt, P. (2021). The Private Healthcare Insurance Sector: A victim of fraud?  Journal of Criminology,  1-15 DOI: 10.1177/26338076211068180

    Stiernstedt, P. and Brooks, G. (2020). Preventing fraud and providing services: The private healthcare insurance sector. Security Journal. 1-14.  

    Brooks, G. (2018) A Sickness in the System: Understanding fraud and corruption in healthcare: a contribution from criminology, New Vistas 41 (2): 4-9

    Brooks, G. (2018) Internet Fraud in B. Warf ‘The SAGE Encyclopaedia on the Internet’, pp.488-492, Thousand Oakes, Cl. SAGE Publishing 

    Button, M., Brooks, G., Lewis, C. & Aleem, A, (2016) 'Just About Everybody Doing the Business?' Explaining Cash-for-Crash Insurance Fraud in the United Kingdom,’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 50 (2): 176-194

    Bain, A., Brooks, G., Golding, B. Ellis, T. & Lewis, C. (2016) Calling the Police: The Use of Non-Emergency 101 in England and Wales, The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 1-15

    Brooks, G. & Sparrow, P. (2016) Bookmakers and a Duty of Care: Customers' Views in England, Journal of Gambling Studies, 32, (2), 737-747

    Button, M., Wakefield, A., Brooks, G., Lewis, C. & Shepard, D. (2015) Confronting the ‘Fraud Bottleneck’: Private Sanctions for Fraud and their Implications for Justice, Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice 1 (3), 159-174

    Button, M. Brooks, G., Lewis, C. & Shephard, D. (2015) Fraud in Overseas Aid and the Challenge of Measurement, Journal of Financial Crime, 22(2), 184-198

    Lewis, C., Brooks, G., Button, M., Shepherd, D. & Wakefield, A (2015) Evaluating the Case for Greater Use of Private Prosecutions in England and Wales for Fraud Offences, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 42 (1), 3-15

    Button, M. & Brooks, G. (2014) From 'Shallow' to 'Deep' Policing: 'Crash-for-Cash' Insurance Fraud Investigation in England and Wales and the Need for Greater Regulation, Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 26 (2), 210-229

    Belaisha, B, B. & Brooks, G. (2014) Money laundering in Dubai: Strategies and future directions’ Journal of Money Laundering Control, 17 (3), 343-354

    Farooq, Z., M., K. & Brooks, G. (2013) Arab fraud and corruption professionals’ views in the Arabian Gulf, Journal of Financial Crime, 20 (3), 338 - 347

    Brooks, G., Lee, J. & Kim, H (2012) Match-Fixing in Korean Football: Corruption in the K-League and the Importance of Maintaining Sporting Integrity, Journal of Contents: A Korean Journal, 8 (2), 82-88

    Brooks, G. (2012) Online gambling and money laundering: ‘views from the inside’, Journal of Money Laundering Control, 15 (3), 304-316

    Brooks, G. (2012) Challenging the myth of urban regeneration: Raising the profile of problem gambling with a media campaign,Journal of Gambling Studies 28 (4), 741-751

    Brooks, G., Chen, Fei-Lin., Lewis, C. & Ellis, T. (2012) Young People as Social Capital: Policing and preventing crime among young people ‘at risk’ in Taiwan and England, Journal of Community Safety and Crime Prevention, 14 (1), 16-32

    Brooks, G. & Button, M. (2012) The Police and Fraud Investigation and the Case for a Nationalised Solution in the United Kingdom, The Police Journal, 84 (4), 305-320

    Button, M., Gee, J. & Brooks, G. (2011)Measuring the Cost of Fraud: An Opportunity for the New Competitive Advantage, Journal of Financial Crime, 19 (1), 65-75

    Brooks, G., Button, M. & Gee, J. (2011) The Scale of Healthcare Fraud: A Global Evaluation, Security Journal, 25 (1), 76-87

    Papadopolous, A. & Brooks, G. (2011) The Investigation of Credit Card Fraud in Cyprus: Reviewing Police ‘Effectiveness’ Journal of Financial Crime, 18 (3), 222.234

    Brooks, G. & Blaszczynski, A. (2011) Judicial decisions on cases involving problem gambling and crime in England and Wales, International Journal of Gambling Studies, 11 (1), 81-92

    Kim, H. & Brooks, G. (2010) Inappropriate Calls to the Police: The Development of the Single Non-Emergency Number in England and Wales: The Journal of Police Studies, Police Science Institute, 24, (1), 269-287

    Button, M. & Brooks, G. (2009) 'Mind the gap', progress towards developing anti-fraud culture strategies in UK central government bodies, Journal of Financial Crime, 16 (3), 229-244

    Brooks, G., Button M. & Frimpong, K. (2009) 'Policing fraud in the private sector: a survey of the FTSE 100 companies in the UK', International Journal of Police Science and Management, 11, (4), 493-504

    Lewis, C., Brooks, G., Ellis, T. & Hamai, K. (2009) Comparing Japanese and English Juvenile justice: Reflections on change in the twenty-first century, Crime Prevention and Community Safety 11 (2), 75-89

    Brooks, G., Ellis, T. & Lewis, C. (2008) Pachinko: A Japanese Addiction? International Gambling Studies, 8 (2), 193-205

    Brooks, G., Ellis, T. & Lewis, C. (2007) Pachinko: Declining Popularity or a Continuing Japanese Social Problem? The Asian Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (An Online Journal)


    Button, M., Lewis, C., Brooks, G., Shepherd, D. & Wakefield, A. (2016) Fraud and Attrition in the United Kingdom: Uncovering the Dark Matter of Criminology, University of Portsmouth

    Button, M. Lewis, C., Shepard, D., Brooks, G. & Wakefield, A. (2012) Fraud and punishment: enhancing deterrence through more effective sanctions, University of Portsmouth: Portsmouth

    Gee, J, Brooks, G., & Button, M. (2011)Fraud in the International Mining Sector, London: PKF

    Gee, J, Button, M. & Brooks, G. and Higgenbottom, N. (2011) The Financial cost of fraud to the social housing sector, London: PKF

    Gee, J, Button, M. and Brooks, G. (2011) The Financial cost of fraud 2011: What data from around the world shows, London: PKF

    Gee, J., Brooks, G., and Button, M. (2011) Fraud in Football: research into how will football protects itself against fraud, London: PKF

    Gee, J. Button, M. and Brooks, G. (2010) The financial cost of UK Public Sector Fraud: A less painful way to reduce public expenditure. Milton Keynes: MacIntyre Hudson

    Gee, J. Button, M. and Brooks, G. (2010) The financial cost of Healthcare fraud. Milton Keynes: Milton Keynes, MacIntyre Hudson

    Gee, J, Button, M and Brooks, G. (2009) The Financial Cost of Fraud, Milton Keynes: MacIntyre Hudson

  • Conferences

    Menz, M. and Brooks, G. (2023). Compliance: A Web of Mingled Yarn – Corruption Perception in UK Financial Services, The Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime, United Kingdom, 7 September 2023.

    Stiernstedt, P and Brooks, G. (2022) The Private Healthcare Insurance sector: A victim of fraud at University of Portsmouth, Counter Fraud and Forensic Accounting Conference, Issues in Economic Criminology, 14 June 2022

    Walsh, D., Brooks, G., Oxburgh, G., Makiko, N and Kyo, A. (2022) Interviews conducted by the police and prosecutors with autistic adults in Japan: A review of the literature and directions for future research at International, Investigative Interviewing Research Group Conference, University of Winchester, 22 June 2022.

    Brooks, G. (2021) The Pandemic and SOC: Opportunity, Flexibility and Impact, Public Policy Exchange, Tackling Serious and Organised Crime, London, 7 October 2021.

    Kyo, A., Kurosawa, M., Brooks, G. & Ellis, T. (2018) Criminal Compensation Schemes in Comparison: The Cost of Victimisation, Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology, Osaka, 6 October 2018.

    Brooks, G. (2019) Plenary Speaker ‘Look Back – Going Forward’ at From ‘Old Corruption’ to the New Corruption? Public Life and Public Service in Britain. C. 1970-1940, Oxford Brookes University, 24-25 January 2019.

    Brooks, G. (2018) ‘Protecting those in need: Reducing error, fraud and corruption', Key Note Presentation for European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network, Athens, 18-19 October 2018.

    Stiernstedt, P. and Brooks, G (2019) Preventing fraud and providing services:  The Private Healthcare Insurance Sector, Counter Fraud and Corruption Conference, University of Portsmouth, 6 June 2019.

    Brooks, G. (2017) There is no shame: Financial Fraud in London’, Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 4 March 2017.

    Brooks, G. (2016) Criminology of Corruption: Unexplored Avenues of Prevention’ ISPRA, Italy, 28 November 2016.

    Brooks, G. (2016) ‘Anti-Doping Controls in Athletics and the Consequences of Non-Compliance,’ MBL Lawyers, Sports Corruption Conference, London, 14 July 2016.

    Brooks, G. (2016) ‘Applying for a Marie Curie Fellowship’, EU2, Wolverhampton University, 16 February 2016.

    Brooks, G. (2015) ‘Criminological assessment of fraud, waste and corruption in healthcare’, Key Not Speech at European Health Fraud and Corruption Network (EHFCN), The Hague, 6 November 2015.

    Brooks, G. (2015) Private Military Contractors and ex-British military personnel: The Need for Criminological Analysis in Conflict Zones, European Criminology Conference, 4 September 2015.

    Brooks, G. (2015) Doping in Sport, MBL Solicitors, London, March 31 2015.

    Brooks, G. (2014) ‘Corruption in Football’, London Public Sector Counter Fraud Partnership, London, 4 February 2014.

    Brooks, G. (2012) ‘What does best practice looks like in the public sector?’ Plenary Speaker, Cabinet Office Counter Fraud Conference, London, 19 November 2012.

    Brooks, G. (2012)‘Fraud reporting and whistleblowing best practice’, Cabinet Office Counter Fraud Conference, London, 19 November 2012.

    Brooks, G. (2012) State Capture: Don’t Do as We Do, Do As We Tell You! British Criminology Conference, University of Portsmouth, 4-6 July 2012.

    Brooks, G. (2012) In Danger of Victimization: Fraud in Football Clubs? Counter Fraud and Forensic Accounting Conference, Monday 13 June

    Ellis, T., Brooks, G., Lewis, C. & Al Hashemi A. (2011) Contrary crimmigration: limitations to the hypothesis for policing’, Asian Association of Police Studies Annual Conference 2011-06-13 - 2011-06-15, New Haven

    Brooks, G. (2011) Measuring Public Sector Fraud, International Centre for Parliamentary Studies, 7th December 2011, London

    Brooks, G. & Kim, H. (2011) Match Fixing in Korean Football: The Important Role of Sport in Korea and the Maintenance of Integrity, Dept. of Protection and Security Management, Kyonggi University, South Korea, Sept 6, 2011

    Brooks, G. (2011) Next Steps in Tackling Fraud in the Public Sector, Inside Government: Working in Partnership to Tackle Fraud in the Public Sector, Thursday 24 June, London 24

    Brooks, G. (2011) Match Fixing: The use of ‘technology’ to monitor fraud and corruption in sport, Counter Fraud and Forensic Accounting Conference, Tuesday 13 June, University of Portsmouth

    Brooks, G. (2011) The Governance of Football and Club Ownership in the EU: The Potential for Fraud and Corruption, Portsmouth Business School 7thAnnual Research and Knowledge Transfer Conference, Tuesday 7 June, Portsmouth, UK

    Brooks, G. (2011) Combating Fraud in an Age of Austerity, a Public-Private partnership? The Eastern Fraud Forum Fifth Annual Fraud Conference, May 12, 2011, Essex.

    Al Hashemi, A., Ellis, T., Brooks, G. & Lewis, C. (2010) Examining the relationship between migration, labour and crime in the UAE British Society of Criminology Conference, Leicester, 11-14 July, 2010

    Al Hashemi, A., Brooks, G. & Ellis, T. (2010) Examining the relationship between migration, labour and crime in the UAE: Crime prevention and the case of Dubai, Asian Association of Police Studies and National Police University, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Community Policing, Seoul, South Korea 23-26 June, 2010

    Brooks, G. (2010) Maintaining Police Independence: The Importance of Discretion and Resisting Political Interference, International Symposium, National Police Agency, Seoul, South Korea, 22 June 2010.

    Button, M., Brooks, G. & Gee, J. (2010) Measuring the cost of Fraud: An Opportunity for the New Competitive Advantage, Portsmouth Business School: 6th Research and Knowledge Transfer Conference June 8, 2010

    Brooks, G. (2010) 'Self Exclusion: Terrestrial and online and the problem of enforcement. 'Paper presented at the Gambling Commission, Birmingham, March 26, 2010

    Brooks, G. Kim, H. & Pamment, N. (2009) Inappropriate Calls to the Police: The Development of the Single Non-Emergency Number in England and Wales. Paper presented at Asian Association Police Studies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2, 2009

    Brooks G. & Ellis, T (2008) Casino culture: managing risk, funding public services and establishing care. Paper presented at Portsmouth Business School Research and Knowledge Transfer Conference June 10, 2008

    Brooks, G (2007) Pachinko: A Japanese Addiction? Paper presented at European Criminology Conference, Bologna, September 26-29, 2007 

    Brooks, G., (2007) 'Cautionary Tales'? Changes to Diversion and Policing Young Offenders,Paper presented at Korean Criminology Association (KCA)'s International Youth Justice Conference, Seoul, South Korea, and 30th May 2007.

  • Research degree supervision

    Principal Supervisor

    Perceptions of Corruption , Ethics and Integrity in UK Financial Services (Mario Menz)

    Professional Doctorate: Machine Learning in Financial Sector (Michael Wittenburg)  

    Professional Doctorate: The EncroChat compromise and money laundering by OCGs: learning, impact and evolution (Dave Chave) 

    Professional Doctorate: Policing the sex work industry: A community-based study into the relationship between sex workers and law enforcement officers in the United Kingdom (Nicolas Bekiris) 

    Professional Doctorate: Proliferation Financing: Measuring and Mitigating the Risk of Transhipment by Vessels Owned by Corporate Entities in British Overseas Territories within the Caribbean Region (Micha Coleman)

    Second Supervisor

    Is the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 fit for purpose? The denigration of Pitbull type dogs (Tina Delany)

    Detecting cyber stalking from social media platforms using data mining analytics (Amiee Mirto)