Javad Izadi Z. D.

Professor Javad Izadi

Professor of Accounting and Finance
The Claude Littner Business School

Professor Javad Izadi (BA, MSc, VTC, PhD, FHEA) is a Professor of Accounting and Finance and course leader for the Doctor of Business Studies (DBA), MSc Finance and Accounting, and BSc Finance and Management at the Claude Littner Business School (CLBS), University of West London. He is a member of the University Research Degrees Sub-Committee and serves as the Critical Reader for the School.

Javad previously worked in the accounting profession as an auditor and financial manager. He also served as a lecturer at Azad University for several years before completing his PhD at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. He began working at the School of Business, Management and Economics at the University of Sussex in October 2010.

In 2011, Javad was awarded a visiting scholarship by the University of Sydney. In 2013, he became a visiting lecturer at Aberystwyth University, and he was a Senior Teaching Associate in Accounting and Finance at the University of Lancaster before joining the University of West London in 2015. He joined CLBS as a lecturer in August 2015, and became a senior lecturer and Associate Professor.

His work experience ranges from accountancy to management in the financial sector, and his academic experience covers lecturing on a wide range of accounting and finance courses. Javad has been delivering lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students for over twenty years at esteemed UK universities and leading institutions in Iran. He has also supervised over fifty postgraduate research students in various fields of accounting, finance and business.

Javad's current research interests cover all aspects of accounting and finance. He has co-authored several peer-reviewed journal papers, conference papers and technical reports, which you can find below.

  • Qualifications

    • PhD in Accounting and Finance, University of Sussex, UK
    • FHEA Fellow of Higher Education Academy, University of West London
    • VTC Certified instructor in Accounting and Finance, Vocational Training Centre, Iran
    • MSc in Accounting, Azad University, Iran
    • BA in Accounting, Ferdowsi University, Iran
  • Memberships

    Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
    Member of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
    Member of the European Accounting Association (EAA)
    Member of the British Accounting Financial Association (BAFA)
    Member of Bangor University Business Club (BUBC)
    Member of the Iranian Accounting Association (IAA)
  • Research and publications


    SALEEM, M. N., DOUMENIS, Y., KATSIKAS, E., IZADI, J., & KOUFOPOULOS, D. (2024). Decrypting Cryptocurrencies: An Exploration of the Impact on Financial Stability. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17(5), 186.  DOI:

    IZADI, J., KHORASHADI, M., & PRATT, M. (2023). Auditor Choice and Audit Fees in Family Firms: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange. International Journal of Critical Accounting (Accepted)

    IZADI, J., & SHETRA, M. (2023), The Effect of CSR on Corporate Financial Performance, considering the Role of Female Representation in the Retail Industry, Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. (Upcoming)

    IZADI, J., & MADIRIMOV, B. (2022). Does Foreign direct investment have a major potential impact on Sustainable Development Goals? Evidence from Eurasian countries, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment. DOI: 10.1080/20430795.2022.2163846

    DOUMENIS, Y., IZADI, J., DHAMDHERE, P., KATSIKAS, E., & KOUFOPOULOS, D. (2021). A critical analysis of volatility surprise in Bitcoin cryptocurrency and other financial assets. Risks, 9 (11), 207. DOI: 10.3390/risks9110207

    IZADI, J., FOROUDI, P., & NAZARIAN, A. (2021). Into the unknown: impact of Coronavirus on UK hotel stock performance. European Journal of International Management.

    BOURKE, J. G., IZADI, J., & OLYA, H. (2020). Failure of play on asset disposals and share buybacks: Application of game theory in the international hotel market, Tourism Management, 77, 103984. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2019.103984.

    IZADI, J., ZIYADIN, S., PALAZZO, M. & SIDHU, M. (2020). The Evaluation of the Impact of Innovation management Capability to Organisational Performance, Qualitative Market Research, DOI:

    IZADI, J., MARIANO, S., & PRATT, M, C. (2020). Can We Predict the Likelihood of Financial Distress in Companies from their Corporate Governance and Borrowing? International Journal of Accounting and Information Management. DOI 10.1108/IJAIM-08-2020-0130

    PIETRUS, A., NAZARIAN, A. & IZADI, J (2020). Spillover Effects in the Banking Sector of Emerging Economies: a South Africa Case study. European Journal of International Management. ISSN 1751-6757. DOI:

    IZADI, J., NAZARIAN, A., YE, J., & SHAHZAD, A. (2019). The association between accruals and stock return following FRS3. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 15(3), 262-27. DOI:

    ORADI, J., & IZADI, J. (2019). Audit committee gender diversity and financial reporting: evidence from restatements. Managerial Auditing Journal. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. DOI:

    IZADI, J., CHOUDHURY, H., & NAZARIAN, A . (2017), ‘Simulation Evidence on the Properties of Alternative Measures of Working Capital Accruals’, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Vol. 25, No. 4 DOI:

    IZADI, J. (2016), ‘The Role of Accrual Estimation Errors to Determine Accrual and Earnings Quality’, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Vol. 24, No. 2, 25 April 2016.

    IZADI, J., HOLT, A., & KHANSALAR, E. (2015), ‘The Role of Working Capital Accruals on Earnings Quality and Stock Return’, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 7, No. 9, September 2015. DOI:10.5539/ijef.v7n9p1

    IZADI, J., & KHANSALAR, E. (2013), ‘Frequency of Financial Reports’, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 8, No. 17, August 2013.

    Book sections

    IZADI, J. & PORTERFIELD, J. (2023), ‘Panel Data in Accounting and Finance research’, In: Researching and Analysing Business: Research Methods in Practice. Foroudi, P., & Dennis, C. (Eds.). Economics, Finance, Business & Industry, and Research Methods. Routledge, London, PP. 456ISBN e-ISBN 9781003107774, ISBN 0367620650ISBN pbk- ISBN 9780367620653. [Book Section] (

    FOROUDI, P., FOROUDI, M., HAFEEZ, K & IZADI, J. (2021), ‘Managing marketing competencies: a framework for understanding antecedents of marketing capability and its relation to company’s core competencies. In: Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era. Melewar, T. C., Dennis, Charles and Foroudi, Pantea, eds.’ Routledge Studies in Marketing. Routledge, London, pp. 75-112. ISBN 9780367531232, e-ISBN 9781003080572, pbk-ISBN 9780367531249. [Book Section] (doi:10.4324/9781003080572-5)

    FOROUDI, P., MARVI, R., IZADI, J., FOROUDI, M & PIRZADEH POUYA. (2021), ‘Take a new turn: relationships between corporate identity management and corporate reputation in a hospitality context. In: Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era’.  Melewar, T. C., Dennis, Charles and Foroudi, Pantea, eds. Routledge Studies in Marketing. Routledge, London, pp. 365-400. ISBN 9780367531232, e-ISBN 9781003080572, pbk-ISBN 9780367531249. [Book Section] (doi:10.4324/9781003080572-18)

    IZADI, J., PALAZZO M & SIANO, A. (2020), ‘The Market Reaction to Unexpected Earnings via Discretionary Accruals and Sustainability Reporting, In: Sustainable Branding: Ethical, Social, and Environmental Cases and Perspectives’, [EID: 2-s2.0-85105839893], [Book Section] [doi:10.4324/9780367855703-22]


    Editorial Board member, Cogent Business and Management

    Editorial Board member, Management and Business Academy

    Advisory Board Member, Cankiri Karatekin University

    Editorial Board Member, Business and Management Horizons

  • Conferences

    IZADI, J., & SHETRA, M. (2023), ‘ The Effect of CSR on Corporate Financial Performance, considering the Role of Female Representation in the Retail Industry’, MBAcademy International Business Conference, July 20 - 22, 2023, Bournemouth University, UK

    IZADI, J (2022), ‘Simulation Evidence on the Properties of Alternative Measures of Working Capital Accruals’, the 3rd International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data, August 15th-18th, 2022, Keimyung University, Seoul, South Korea (invited speech)

    IZADI, J., FORUDI, P. & BOURKE, J. G. (2022), ‘Hospitality Industry and Intangible assets: From visible to hidden’, 20th MBAcademy International Conference on Management Businesses Organisation and Innovation, London

    IZADI, J (2021), European Accounting Review 2021 Annual Conference, 18-19 November 2021, Virtual Event.

    IZADI, J., FORUDI, P., BOURKE, J. G. (2021), ‘The Hidden Effect of Intangible Assets on the Abnormal Earnings of Hotel, public bar, and Restaurant, CLBS Research Symposium, Virtual Event, 2nd July 2021

    IZADI, J., KHORASHADI, M. (2020), ‘Depression in education; A Comparative Study of Quantitative Research in the field of accounting education in Iran and the United States, MBA Academy International Business Conference, 10 to 13 December 2019, Virtual Event Brunel University, London

    IZADI J, PITRUS A and NAZARIAN A (2019), ‘Knowledge transfer and spillover effects: Evidence from banking sector case study, MBA Academy International Business Conference, 16 to 17 August 2018, Barcelona, Spain

    IZADI J, RUIZ ALBA ROBLEDO, SOARES A and Abou-Foul (2018), The Financial Consequences of Servitization in Manufacturing Firms: An Empirical Analysis. At: International Conference on Business Servitization 2017 (ICBS2017), 16 to 17 Nov. 2017, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech), Barcelona, Spain

    IZADI J, RUIZ ALBA ROBLEDO and SOARES A (2017), ‘Servitization of manufacturing: exploring financial performance’, 22nd CBIM Academic Workshop Conference, Stockholm Business School, 19 to 22 June 2017

    IZADI J, CHOUDHURY H (2016), ‘Simulation Evidence on the Properties of Alternative Measures of Working Capital Accruals’, abstract in conference proceedings published by Management and Business Academy, 3 July, 2015, London, UK

    IZADI J, DAVIDSON I, MCLEAY S.J (2014), ‘Interim Accounting Earnings and price momentum’. Has been accepted for presentation in a parallel session at the 37th European Accounting Association EAA Annual Congress, 2014, 21 May in Tallinn, Estonia

    IZADI J, MCLEAY S.J (2013), ‘Interim Accounting Earnings and price momentum’, Abstract in conference proceedings published by 36th European Accounting Association EAA Annual Congress 2013, 9 May, Paris, France

    IZADI J, MCLEAY S.J (2012), ‘The Impact of the Management of Accounting Earnings on The Short-Term Returns of Winner and Loser Firms’, abstract in conference proceedings published by 35th European Accounting Association, EAA Annual Congress 2012, 11 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    IZADI J, MCLEAY S.J, OSBORNE M (2012), The Impact of the Management of Accounting Earnings on the Short-Term Returns of Winner and Loser Firms: UK interim reports evidence, abstract in conference proceedings published by 48th British Accounting and Finance Association BAFA Annual Conference, 19 April 2012, Brighton, UK

    IZADI J, MCLEAY S.J (2012), ‘Interim Accounting Earnings and Price Momentum’, Accounting & Finance Colloquium, 25 May, Gregynog, UK

    IZADI J, MCLEAY S.J (2011), The Impact of the Management of Accounting Earnings on the Short-Term Returns of Winner and Loser Firms, European Accounting Association (EAA), Abstract in conference proceedings published by 34th EEA Annual Congress, 20 to 22 April, Rome, Italy

  • Research degree supervision

    Principal supervisor

    2019: Oladipo Ayodele Ayinla Tokosi, First supervisor, PhD student. Start date: May 2019. Thesis Title: "Empirical tests of leading Earnings Manipulation detection models to establish their effectiveness under IFRS reporting in order to develop their predictive power." University of West London. Oladipo is in the final stages of submitting his thesis for viva examination.

    2020: Enva Doda, PhD student. Start date: March 2020. Thesis Title: "Moving beyond the Gender Pay Gap: An investigation of Pension Gender Inequalities across European Counties." University of West London. Enva was successfully transferred to a PhD position last year.

    Farshad Eshraghi, PhD student. Start date: January 2021. Researching the "Relationship between entrepreneurial finance and success of High Tech Young Entrepreneurial firms focusing on funding and ownership structures." Farshad is in the final stages of submitting his partial thesis for viva transfer.

    2023: Joshua Tedam Thesis Title: "Applying Enterprise Architecture Principles to Enhance Accounting Practices in the UK National Health Service," completed in 2023 at the University of West Scotland.

    2022: Shu Pei Huang, Thesis Title: "The Level of Franchising and Managerial Ownership within the Restaurant Industry," completed in 2022 at the University of West Scotland. 

    2022: Wael Elkoadia, Cross-Cultural Management Influence on Leadership Styles and Operational Performance in Hospitality Industry in Egypt, completed in 2020 at the University of West Scotland.

    2021: Hariks Kancham, Thesis Title: "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Administration," completed in 2021 at the University of West Scotland.

    2021: Khushboo Rajak Deraiya, Thesis Title: "Factors Hindering Female Entrepreneurship in Business Organizations," completed in 2020 at the University of West Scotland.

    2020: Mufarrrah Sikander, Thesis Title: "How Small Charities Should Report to Build Legitimacy and Stakeholder Trust in the UK," completed in 2021 at the University of West Scotland.

    Second supervisor

    Michel Kabeya Kasengulu Muyunga, PhD student. Started in February 2022. Thesis Title: "Mergers and Acquisitions in The Banking and Value Creation Operations: Some Empirical Evidences from Congo." Michel has successfully submitted his proposal to the University Research Degrees Sub-Committee (URDSC) and it was approved by this committee last year.

    Third supervisor

    Abdul Matheen Ismail, PhD student. Started in December 2023. Thesis Title: "Increasing Minority Representation on Board to Enhance Corporate Financial Performance: A Fad or A Strategic Move." Abdul is in the initial stages of his study to work on his proposal.