
Clearing 2024 applications will open from 5 July 2024, but if you'd like to speak to our friendly course enquiries team for help and advice on how to apply now, please get in touch:

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What are you interested in?

There are wide range of options out there, so consider what it is that inspires you most.

University provides an opportunity to study a subject you may have never encountered at secondary school. However, that doesn't mean that you don't already have the skills. 

If you enjoy art and design, a course in Interior Architecture may be the right path for you to create a successful career from your creativity. Architectural Design Technology also offers a great way into the industry if you have a more scientific interest in building design.

A love for music composition can open you up to career paths across the creative industries – why not consider a degree in Composition for Film/Theatre, or Sound and Music for Gaming?

Modern universities often offer multiple variations of more traditional degrees. You may find that a conventional Psychology degree works for you – however, a more specialist interest may lead you towards Psychology with Criminal Investigation or Psychology with Clinical and Counselling Skills.

You might even have two interests that go well together – for example, you could combine a love of hospitality and video games with an Esports Management with Event Production course.

Subject areas

Not sure what you want to study? Browse our courses by subject area.

4 female students chatting and walking in a bright corridor
A student with shoulder length brown hair smiling in a group session.
How long will the course take?

Don't forget that a degree will be a minimum of three years of study, so think carefully about how interesting you will find studying in one area over that length of time.

Visit the course information page to get a breakdown of required and optional modules during each year of study and make sure the majority interest you before going any further with an application.

Two students walking through campus, smiling and socialising.
I haven't thought about...

There are plenty of things you can study which might not have occurred to you before.

If you already know you want to work in a certain industry, it’s worth exploring how different degrees can get you there too. Some jobs will require very specific training, while for others, degrees in a variety of subjects will be relevant, so do some research to get a better idea of what a company might expect from you once you graduate.

Will you need tailored work experience, placements, or a professional body accreditation? Check our course pages to know what a subject includes.

Female student at a desk with a book smiling

It’s also a good idea to think about how you’ll be learning and assessed. If exams aren’t for you, think about courses where teaching is focused on practical work and presentations – again, get as much detail as you can.

Hear from existing students and graduates via social media to see where they’ve put their degrees to use and what they’re doing now.

And finally, get in touch and talk it through with us to make sure your interests and experience will be a good fit on your chosen course.

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Apply for a course

Clearing 2024 applications will open from 5 July 2024, but if you'd like to speak to our friendly course enquiries team for help and advice on how to apply now, please get in touch:

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