Options to help with postgraduate funding

Man leaning on a wall in hallway


As a new full or part time postgraduate student you may be able to apply for a Postgraduate Masters Loan or a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan. These loans are repaid after your studies.

You may also be able to apply for a commercial loan to help with your tuition fees, course costs or living costs. Commercial loans are subject to lending criteria and you are advised to check the terms and conditions of loans carefully.

If you are an international student please see further information on international student finance.

Man in a graduation cap and glasses smiling

Bursaries and scholarships

We offer a number of postgraduate bursaries and scholarships that can help towards your course cost. Many of these are given as grants, meaning you do not have to pay them back.

If you are a graduate of UWL, you may be eligible for a discount on your postgraduate course.

Two students at graduation tossing their caps in the air

Other funding sources

You may be eligible for a bursary from organisations such as the Economic and Social Research Council, the Arts and Humanities Research Board and the British Academy.

Student on UWL shuttle bus

Save on travel costs

Travel in London can be expensive, so we provide a free shuttle bus between the Ealing and Brentford sites for all our students.

It is just a 10 minute ride from our Brentford site to the Ealing site and because it’s free, you save up to £3 per return journey. 

Pen with receipt and calculator

Earning while you study

Getting a part-time job whilst you study can be a great way to earn some extra income.

Working around your studies not only provides funding but it can also help you develop transferable skills that can be used in your future career. 

Our student support team can help you find part-time and flexible work, both on campus and in the local area.

Funding advice

Man and woman sat down in the foyer having a conversation
Have any questions about money? We can help.