
Struggling to juggle her studies alongside caring for her mother and an ongoing health condition, Huma Aftab never expected to complete her degree with the University of West London. 

But after reaching out for help from the University’s Study Support services, she transformed her future, going on to graduate with a BSc in Psychology and follow her passions for providing care. 

Huma was diagnosed with Bell's palsy, a condition which causes paralysis to the face just months into her degree, struggling with repeated relapses leaving her unable to get to campus and unsure if she could carry on. 


I had to have a lot of days off... I was also my mum’s carer and working night shift, which was all too much. There was no way I could see myself completing my degree and I had a moment where I had to decide to keep fighting or give up, but didn’t think anyone could really help.

After struggling on her own for two years, it was in her final year of study at UWL’s School of Human and Social Sciences that she reached out for help and everything changed. 

Once I met with the team I realised how much support was available, it was an eye opener and changed everything. I wanted to make myself proud and worked hard to turn things around.

They told me where I was going wrong and no matter how big or small a success they were there to celebrate with me and give me confidence.  

That motivation and knowing I could turn to them for help made such a difference. Looking back, I don’t know how I carried on for so long on my own. The support saved my degree, not just the academic side but the personal aspect too.

Since graduating, Huma has fulfilled her passion to help others, working as a care manager and putting everything she learnt at UWL to use. 

Female graduating at UWL with gown and hat on.