Fast track part time study

Helping you advance your career or pursue something different with a fast-track intensive degree

If you are working full-time but looking to reach the next step in your career, change careers altogether, or just finally earn a degree, we are here to support you.

We offer a range of fast-track degrees that can be studied on Saturdays or on 'day release' from your current employer, making it easier for you to fulfil your goals.

Throughout your studies, you will receive the same level of tutelage and support as a full-time degree student as well as enjoying access to the UWL's facilities.

How does it work?

  • Saturday Study classes take place on Saturdays throughout the academic year meaning you can balance your studies with other commitments.
  • Day-release courses combine work-based and university-based learning, a structure that allows you to complete the course in two years on day release (one day per week), while you are employed in the industry or gaining work experience.

Funding information

Please note that a Saturday study or Day-release course is classed as full-time study. This means that you are able to apply for a full-time student loan - find out further information at Student Finance. It may also affect your eligibility for state benefits.

I joined the course after already working in the industry for 12 years, and I have found the course to be extremely fulfilling and it has greatly progressed my knowledge of architecture and construction. The course modules have been well balanced, and increased in sophistication as the course progressed.

Carl Collins