Multi-disciplinary areas of expertise, research and teaching

Almost 80 percent of our research is rated as world-leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*) in the latest Government Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment.
UWL is ranked in the top 100 universities in the UK for the overall quality of our research.

Our Research Centres and Groups are staffed by experts with an enviable record of publications, conferences, media and public engagement work in their chosen fields.

Our research community works collaboratively to bring together common areas of expertise and share findings.

Research Centres

Research Groups

Computing and engineering

School of Medicine and Biosciences

  • Computational and translational medicine

    The Computational and Translational Medicine (CTM) research group has strong scientific settings in biomedical, health and computational sciences.

    laptop showing a person, a dna strand, a heart and various medicines and medical gadgets in three dimentional view
  • Biotherapeutic drug development

    Our research group focuses on the development and formulation of novel antibody-based medicine (biotherapeutics) with application in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases.

    Image is made up of a thread of colour which changed from white to red to blue as it intertwines around three sections.
  • Microbiomes, environment and health

    Microbiomes, environment and health research group interests primarily lie within the One Health approach to study the interactions between humans, livestock, environmental microbiomes, and transmission of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to develop interventions for the public good.

    Am abstract data wave moving through colours of blue and orange.

Find out more

  • Research Centres and Groups

    Find out about our multi-disciplinary areas of expertise, research, and teaching.

    An analyst looking at a digital display
  • Research impact

    Learn how our research has helped communities locally, nationally and internationally.

    Two students sitting and standing in front of a computer screen with protective glasses on.
  • The Graduate School

    If you are interested in studying for a PhD or Professional Doctorate, the Graduate School is here to support your research.

    Two students working with scientific equipment with protective glasses on.