Attendees at the 2024 NEON Symposium at the University of West London
Attendees at the 2024 NEON Symposium at the University of West London

UWL hosts the UK’s largest conference on widening access


Over 200 researchers and higher education practitioners gathered at the University of West London on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June for this year’s National Education Opportunities Network (NEON) Summer Symposium, the largest UK conference dedicated to widening access to higher education.

This year's theme was "Inequalities in access and success in higher education – the next five years."

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NEON’s annual symposium is one of the most important events for those working in the widening access field. This year’s event is NEON’s first symposium to be held in the capital.

Professor Peter John speaking at the 2024 NEON Symposium at the University of West London

On Thursday, delegates came from across the UK and abroad to hear thought-provoking speeches from keynote speakers. First to speak was UWL Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter John CBE. Next were Shahid Omer (Director of Policy at Universities UK) and Professor Jane Robinson (Newcastle University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor for Engagement and Place). Director of NEON Professor Graeme Atherton, who also leads UWL’s Centre for Inequality and Levelling Up, closed the session.

The speakers offered valuable insights on the headline trends in widening access and the challenges and opportunities over the next five years.

The symposium dinner, held at a nearby hotel, allowed delegates to network, share ideas and experiences. Delegates heard from three students from widening access backgrounds, George Warlow and Jake Gruenewald from UWL and Lucy James from the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance, about their journeys to higher education and how they overcame barriers to studying.

Attendees at the 2024 NEON Symposium at the University of West London

The second day saw an insightful presentation from Ben Jordan (UCAS Director of Strategy and Chief of Staff) and a riveting panel discussion on the upcoming priorities for widening access. Lord Bird MBE, founder of the Big Issue and Cross Bench Peer in the House of Lords, and Sarah Atkinson (the Social Mobility Foundation’s Chief Executive Officer) both took part. Alongside them were Higher Education Policy Institute Director Nick Hillman and the University and College Union’s Policy Officer Angela Nartey.

In between the keynote speech and panel sessions, delegates were able to choose from a range of laboratory sessions covering issues that impact upon widening access. These were delivered by organisations including UCAS, the Student Loans Company, several Uni Connect partnerships, Lancaster University, University College of Estate Management, University of Leeds and UWL.

The Symposium also offered a platform for widening access professionals to share their work, exchange best practices and form new collaborations. Over 50 groups of presenters showcased their work at the conference’s paper sessions, covering a wide range of topics including partnership, AI and technology, evaluation, raising attainment, support across the student lifecycle and more.

Professor Graeme Atherton speaking at the 2024 NEON Symposium at the University of West London

NEON Director Professor Graeme Atherton said:

This is a key time for higher education, in particular widening access. In a month’s time we will have a new government and, regardless of the wider challenges the UK faces, this represents new opportunities for our work.

It was inspiring to see so many people who share our passion and vision for widening access come together to share what we do and discuss how we can protect and grow the work we believe in.”

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